Hello from the other side

It’s Monday morning 

I love to hibrinate in the winter and create and cleanse. I have had busy hands but when I am stuck I clean until I get my next project in mind. The art I create is sacred and I treat it so…  I started working on another magic cape on satin lavender. 

Six hours into this piece I spilled lavender tea on it. I picked it up with this wet bubble paint augh!!! 

We will make it work for us. Sometimes a great piece is about pushing through an obstacle and finding a way to make it work. This case I sprinkled gold sparkles. It is a magic cape.

Here is some of the goods I made here is the scarf I made for a custom order. I love when pieces are meant to be as this one that finished with just a little yarn left!!🙏🏼⭐️🌈

 Another custom order I sent off was this dream catcher talisman 

 She asked for a garnet so I had apiece I had to carve out of the matrix sanded and oiled with love it’s on it’s way home now in Pennsylvania 😉

Here are scenes from home 


Full moon 🌟🌝🎆

  • We had a beautiful full moon. I love pulling my bed right under my window to sleep and take a moon bath.
  • Simplifying and cleaning are part of my creativity ritual.  Whenever I am stuck or uninspired this is what I do. Cleaning with intention sets your mind free to create
  • On a full moon I gather my rocks into a big glass jar full of water and set it outside under the light of the full moon. Moon dance water     
  • When I make my cleaning mix I add a dash of moon dance water that has been energized by the moon then I add a handful of sea salt and a cleaner like pinesol which is just soap and essential oil. Now the salt is a purifying element. When it dries the salt will crystallize with your moon dance waTer everywhere you clean. Many traditions use salt to purify and cleanse body and soul before a ritual.

I am sitting here with the homeschooling family while my little man is coloring by numbers. Last week we worked on astrology.  
 and here are Halle’s comets and the sun and solar system. This weekend they discovered a new planet!!!! Right outside of Neptunes orbit! You should have seen his face as he recognized the words we have worked on😄 

For more holistic offerings check out my online course sacredholisticartscoursesites.com

Blessings, michelle 

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