TImeless state of exsistence/30/soul love saga

fall and winter of 2011-2012 120Timeless state of existence
I forgot how to write
I learned how to live
in a timeless state of existence
l learned unconditional love
at the moment of conception
in the midst of madness
as the angels guide them through they’re sleep
they leave me this vision to embrace
helping me through the day
My hands are full
of love
The gypsy in me dances to the mystical lyric
my soul is rooted in daydreams
my body is surround in the oceans of Gaia
with universal energy
engaging my darkness to come out and play
drumming through the night
to the beat of creation
under the light of the moon
I am
what I am
to everyone
I am something different
I am a mother first
I hold the power of creation
within me
to create children
to create art
to create words
I am what I am

turn/36/soul love saga

october  wonder lust 2009 129
Turn, turn turn
There is a rhyme
For every reason a rhythm for ever season
A time for everything
For everything there is a time
Occupy your mind occupy this space
Stand for what you believe in stand strong
Before corporations run as an invasive species
decay our land
Toil and trouble
Turn Turn Turn
The leaves of this October
To justify occupation
Harvest is over the lady descends
The lord takes over again
There is a cycle
That weaves the webs of our existence
One strand at a moment’s pace
We tie our knots
Making magic
As we secure
Our existence
Round we to collecting treats
Remembering the dead
on all hallows eve
Binding and tying
Each cross section carefully
Turn turn turn
Around we go again
Moving from one world to another
Change is in the air
Boiling and bubbling
Toil and troubling
Tricking and treating
In guise we go seeking
This the end of the warm season
The earth and our farms
Turn turn turn
The soil planting seeds
Sowing and reaping
Hope emerges through transition
as one world ends another begins
fall leaves our lives as our New Year begins

our souls fly gently swaying on the wind

rain/36/soul love saga

6ft,2ft on hemp for sale 2000
6ft,2ft on hemp for sale 2000
DSCF2578  Rain
Sometimes the weather feels as though it is a part of my being,
belonging to me. Blending with my tears, soaking my emotions.
Rhyming with pain as it makes my body ache.
A chorus of insanity falls upon the earth.
Flooding our plane of existence…
letting everyone see how I feel.
No sun shall shine from the sky,
warming my insides,
burning my skin.

The moon and stars in the midnight sky
will disguise themselves,
hiding mysteriously behind the darkened clouds
r                     from our curious eyes tonight.
a                A rainfall at night may hold us for ransom inside
I         during the long hours of the darkness.
n           There is a constant tapping. Anahita is
Reminding us to listen intently to the condition of the battle –
on the roof above you.
The wind is rattling the windows,
as if mother nature is trying to breakthrough to you.
It is only the sound of her tears crying on my window of pain,
reminding me of sorrow.
The sound of so many rain drops hypnotizes me into a transcended  state of mind as they hit upon the objects of the earth in the midnight hours.  I would love to stick my tongue out
and let a snowflake fall on it again.
I often feel the rain  is a part of my being.
I take it personally  for it is mine alone.
During the middle of a storm,
I lift my hands high above my head in homage, letting the rain saturate my palms, spilling down in streams through the pits of my arms.
I can only giggle as the torture tickles me.
For the rest of the fallen rain drops stain my clothes wet.
From as far as I can see
– to the ground below my feet-
h2o each molecule is a part of this universe-
a unity for you and me to wash our lives.

The rain seems to follow me wherever I go, from Maine to the bottom of Mexico. Crossing all borders bound for freedom….
Making me wet from the inside out, soaking my dignity along with  my clothes.

On a day like this, everything is a uniform of grey.
Shadows standing tall and proud around any corner you may turn.
Everybody goes on with their life in a downpour.
The cars flying over thirty-five hydroplane down the streets.
Splashing innocent pedestrians now immersed in a mixture of oily,
murky nasty water
the road had willingly collected for this occasion.

Kids have no worries as they make sure not to miss the chance to jump, dance, splash and kick through every puddle they come across. Only to arrive home in their soaking wet clothes. Dripping liquid all over their mamma’s clean floor. A muddy season with no mercy for the saturated souls. Wrinkled toes pealed from the dripping socks as soggy fingers wring out the water from unwanted wetness. The pretty girls hide their hair. Brave men just don’t care. Our elders are aching within the arthritic wizened culture that divides us.  No matter where you look what you will perceive  is the drizzle falling from the sky. How the motion concurs  over the still dryness that use to be. Rainbows steal the few glimpses of sun that may peak from behind the cloud renewing our faith. Through a silver lining we can see a new beginning.

The night crawlers are having a field day playing slimming their way through the mud, grass and foliage. Outside I get high from my altered states of consciousness, I feel safe from the flood of emotion. The cats are running from one shelter from the next, trying to keep their precious fur coats dry. The cows are lying in the pasture nibbling on grass.

I observe the individual translucent  rain droplets as they hit the middle of the pools of water. The infinity of circles after impact as it dissipates and becomes one with the mass of metallic looking liquid. Each drop reflects our world upside down. Water is the most abundant element on our planet.

Lightening enhances the world we live in with illuminating flashes of light. When the hot and cold air fronts come together it creates a magical sky. The incredibly ravishing electricity with artistic streaks of light tears from the overcast sky into  our ecosystem. Thunder  roars the storm clouds in with a warning making your ear drums vibrate  with the intense sound of the storms position. Anticipating the eye of the storm hoping that it doesn’t  see you. Lightening can be dangerous, but it is still exciting to me. Reviving me with incredible amounts of energy with every glimpse of fire that is cast upon the earth from the heavens above. When I search the skies for a vision to ponder I find striking results in a mid-summers storm.

I would love to stick my tongue out
and let a snowflake fall on it again.
I often feel the rain  is a part of my being.
I take it personally  for it is mine alone.
During the middle of a storm,
I lift my hands high above my head in homage, letting the rain saturate my palms, spilling down in streams through the pits of my arms.
I can only giggle as the torture tickles me.
For the rest of the fallen rain drops stain my clothes wet.
From as far as I can see
– to the ground below my feet-
each molecule is a part of this universe-
a unity for you and me to wash our lives.


nyc 047
They seem to fade in my mind
Just passing by
Walking down these darkened streets
Remembering everything that use to be
Good and bad times haunt my memories
Childhood ways
Innocent days
Saddened by a certain spot
That’s where I got caught up
A mild town if only you could see
Delays cost time
I have plenty of it
I’ m waiting now again,
Always wanting
You never know what’s next
Driving you mad
A child in need
Over a tiff
To be me
A real test.

A Dreams Journey/18/soul love saga

nyc 066
A Dreams Journey

When a dream concurs your heart,
A journey is long lived alone.
Eclipsing my moon,
tryin so hard to find my home.
Looking for dawn
Scrounging new strength
Learning and loving
This experience.
When a dreams all you have
Diggin deep for change
Hiding fear
Livin on
Desires deceit
The stars are all you need
When innocence captures your eyes.
Someone’s always preying on fresh meat
Talking a straight living
Keeping a dreaming mind
Stayin high without falling down

the look/18/soul love saga

lady with red poppies
lady with red poppies
The look
I ll never forget the look on your face
the words softly said from your mouth
Words flowing from you lips
Soft as your kiss
As much magic as your touch
Energy between us
Vibes so strong
That feeling together
No one can replace
Not a drug
No kind of love
There was a cloud
I learned so well time to be real
Let me know
What is on your mind
Let me know when it’s time

water/36/soul love saga

winter 2013 634

One oxygen, two hydrogen

Goddesses represent the element of water
like the gods represent fire.
As water is the source of life like the females anatomy
Anahita is the Persian Goddess of immaculate water
fertility portrayed as a virgin
and the goddess of war.
She very closely resembles Ishtar.
Both of their animals are a dove and peacock.
Saturated in her ever flowing waters
swimming in her seas,
caring for her animal’s
betters our chances of survival
in opposing forces of fertility and war.
The waters of Sayella are the Goddess of time and prophecy
. She has the infinite knowledge of creation
while her timeless waters flow even through the darkest caves of the oceans.
The waters of Baveras are those of the sea.
Wild and untamed she has many faces.
In a state of constant transition she inspires artists and healers.
The makers of creation
owning a peace of our puzzle.

Wiccans represent water with the chalice. Using water or wine in ritual cups. Colors between blue and green can be recognized throughout the world to indicate water. Its symbol is an upside down triangle. We anoint in ritual with water purifying our sins. Most religions cleanse with water as rain cleanses the earth in theory washing away all that decay.

The four astrology signs that divide the year up equally are: Pisces, cancer and Scorpio all share some of same common characteristics of the water element. These people are able to feel the vibrations of those around them, very sensitive and can easily be carried away, fill others with healing energy or be an emotional drain. Regeneration, restorative, nurturing and dreamy describes a water baby well.

In the fung shui (literally means wind and water) practice water is associated with the female yang energy. Water holds chi (life force) and is associated with prosperity. Putting a fountain or a fish tank at the north or south ends of your house, whichever one is away from your bedrooms will increase the flow of abundance into your house.

Winter transitions water to snow for every ten inches of snow equals one inch of rain.  The snow glazes the earth like sugar that sparkles invitingly for us to come and play… Humans run around clearing and cleaning snow moving it  from one place to another.   The weather is  an amazing natural condition. I often find that it helps to stabilize my moods, in one direction or another.

The water cycles through the seasons an infinite supply taken for granted. Rain will wash the earth clean creating pathways that flow over into the rivers. Flowing the streaming waters, rivers, lakes and oceans it doesn’t stop there. A completion to the water cypher radiating evaporation into the heavens again. Carbon cycles from living to dead helping the living grow again completely reliant on the water. Our life repeats itself again.

Giai is so intricate in her complexity letting us bath in her veins. She lets us dance in her tears and swim in her womb. Rapture of the deep consumes some and releases others. I have been caught in her riptides wanting forever to be comfortable in her flowing waters. Feeling one surrounded by her filling my every crevasse.

We need water to survive drinking as much as we can manage to cleanse and saturate our cells. Depending on where we live the majority of the earth has to drink water contaminated with farming and industrialization. Still she flows trying to detoxify us. She lets us live gathering momentum for the future generations as our bodies become genetically modified organisms according to our environment. Still we drink and try to digest all of the waste water that has been treated.

As we meditate on the future ahead, work towards a positive view of the future one where organic soils have once again become rich and the water runs clean. With the last oil spill that has taken its toll on the gulf it sometimes seems hard to feel optimistic. The energy we need to see us through these next few years needs us to focus on the positive aspects of the future. Where we can detox ourselves from our codependency on carbon by making it available for everyone.  Putting our minds into solving problems and creating self-sustainable communities that are organizing green practices like: Solar and wind power, recycling, nontoxic solutions, and more holistic approach to education.  By 2012 marks the end of the Mayan calendar and the beginning of a new existence

How do we get back to simplifying? How do we find that pureness that we need? To nourish our bodies with vitality: Collecting rain water from the roof to water our gardens, saving bath water to flush our toilets, not using chemicals in or around our homes, clean up around the water tables and rivers to keep stuff from leaching into the rivers, reduce the amount of manufactured items that you buy into your life, don’t let the water run while you’re doing dishes or brushing your teeth, reduce the amount of carbon that you produce.

The water element is governed by the heart and the throat chakra.  Dominating your emotional needs, unlocking your past, and healthy emotional balance.  I fill up my glass carafe and place a few crystals in it depending on the property I need; I love quartz crystal for its overall wellbeing properties, adding a dash of amethyst for good dreams and love. I also place a little beautiful blue appetite in my water for its digestive properties with a little blue aventurine for friendships, love, reason and communication. In the summer I put some flowers in the water for flower essences. Each flower holds properties to help you in your life: cherry blossoms and jasmine for love.  You can find numerous books on flower and mineral essence before you do some rocks and flowers do have toxic properties while others are very healing. The very act of letting the water sit lets some chemicals evaporate making the water taste better.    


winter 2013 659

The sound of pitter pattering echoes around me, a wave of inertia sinks with each passerby. The vibration of all those who matter fills my surface. Children grow, run and play. I know each one. I have felt each being transform into adulthood. Growing with each step I feel each and every cell divide and multiply around here. Aware of each tree winding their roots into the depths of my ‘skin’ the outer layer of my body , my crust.  I’m am constantly evolving, changing. Each building a domain that houses and sustains life. Providing cycles that are my breath heating and cooling, wet and dry. The magnetic force keeps us in orbit.  My body is yours… Who am I?

Our Mother Earth, Gaia, enables our existence with grace so that we may thrive as a civilization. She endures and supports all of our ventures. Ancient civilizations worshiped the earth goddess and women for the first 200,000 thousand years of humanity. She has seen evolution through her timeless years of existence. Sustaining us as we go about our daily business slowly becoming disengaged with our world her body.
One day while pulling invasive species from Highland park area in Western Massachusetts an elder of the Community in Western MA. Roberta, told me about” The Native American went to the Government and said ‘Why it that our good topsoil is is gone? It was black and full of minerals, the land was healthy and now it is sick with and barren?” Ever since then I notice more farming land where the land has been over sprayed and life is very formal. When I drive on the highways and roads  I see the vines taking down the trees strangling the very life of them. Large patches of invasive species killing the biodiversity. The summer green would hide it. I make dream catchers with some vines and my eyes look to see what I could create with all those vines if I had the time from fairy houses to arbors. Only I do not have enough time or hands to take on that challenge.

The earth is sick. The invasive species act like cancers or mold taking over our already delicate ecosystem. Roberta is the “Lone Ranger” of the forest area that covers this park. For years she has been focused on passing down her knowledge of plants to help enrich this amazing little mountain side of Sachems Head. She shared her passion with my family, showing us all the different types of plants that were inhibiting all of our natural wild life to thrive. We met her one day while playing catch with an owl. My girlfriend was throwing a ball to our dog and the owl thought he would try and retrieve it as well. He continued to do play this game  for a while when we came across her in the middle of a pachysandra patch; pulling and counting. Since then we have covered a lot of ground; Virginia creeper and bittersweet are no match for us. My kids  love to cut the vine with the big clippers and saws. We have collected the seeds between the thorns of a Japanese burning bush and bitter sweet. Pulled garlic mustard by the trash bag full just to watch the native plants grow. Many hands make light work.

This is our earth, the one and only legacy that we will really leave to our children. It is important to make mindful choice that will improve the life of the planet for generations to come.

reflections/18/soul love saga

nyc 044


Making me wait

So long in vain

I cried out in pain.

You’ll never hear

The moons reflection

You won’t see me.

A moment captured,

Small delirium,

A distance follows.

I didn’t think you

Were meant to be

Held to tightly.

I want to hear

What our eyes’ are sayin

When the time is right

Our vibes will hold all night

I wanna share my soul with you

as our lives interconnect

as our bodies mingle

I feel so sorry for anotha

Who tries to love me

I’m not sure of the future

The past is so sketchy

I try so hard to live my life

And live it right

Beauty through the centuries

harder my being/18/soul love saga

nyc 055Harder My Being
You don’t understand
My experiences.
You underestimate
my being-
I had to take a stand
I’ve been-
To everyone I meet.

MY soul is taller
And darker
Than your shadow
On a totally eclipse of the night.

My hearts been broken
To pieces of compassion.
This worlds my addiction
Slowly killing me.
I m a lost cause

Set my mind free from what I have seen
Fly hard