Category Archives: dis order

Stupid girl

You just got mind fucked again
Wish you could help
who you fall in love with
And fall out just as easy.
Twin flame that burnt
the fuck out of my soul.
Your addiction has cost your family
And me.

Authentic life

Why do people thrive on the anger red hot boiling the blood rushes to your face and calls your adrenaline to come play ?
they live for drama .
make messes of lives trying to eradicate any good feelings so the only thing that can coexist is us against them .
but it’s not us against them it’s we in the world.
 nothings going to get better unless we stand as a divided front.
Against those who seek to destroy our nature.
I don’t get offended by how many people don’t read my work when I see what it is they do pay attention too.
so I have a heartfelt thanks to those who take their moments to get lost my work 

and my world 

my heart 

because it’s everything I am and everything i stand for and you have to stand for something 

or like the rest you’re going to fall for everything 
you’ll be like the cattle told which way to go and how to get there .

where not to go and where to stand when to sleep went to breath.
That’s not us. 

It’s not who we are.

Natural born renegades fending of the throws of addictions to technology, drugs, drama,processed shit.
We are the strong searching out an original authentic life. 

Trying to find our place here and redefine our place on the timeline 

Living in the heroin highway

I woke to the sounds of the morning The alarm quakes me into day and I hit the ground dancing. 
Engaged in routine grasping bits of chores satisfying my mounting list a lil. If I could just have one more hour or a few more hands.
Finding my place in the world I’m not ever free again and it scares the shit out of me.
Again and again I am separated from my art by this heroin epidemic and I don’t dance with this devil. I change diapers and care for so many kids.
Everyone around you suffers the greatest of consequences while you get high.

Our minds, body and soul needs the truth not the addiction fed lies you try and serve with convincing eyes. 
Do you believe yourself?

There’s an epidemic out there!

There is an epidemic of epic proportions out there. It’s t’s complying with the order of cease and is still successful at killing if it doesn’t kill the host it shreds them of their dignity and dreams. Holding their life hostage terrorizing families. 
I wish I had some great holistic advice. But I don’t other than wake up and stop fucking doing highly processed shot that’s killing you. ( I was going to put in the name of the drug but really any processed shit will kill you) 

I am sick of unnecessary death and dying and not being able to do anything to help except pick up the pieces. Today I feel so tired. I just want everyone to do the right thing for themselves, their families and their community.look at the big picture envision the future and choose life

    Sacred holistic arts~*survival

      This is the word that keeps playing through my head this morning as I attempt to figure out the best way to go about doing it in the up coming months before festival season. 

    Survival is more than just trying to live in this world or being successful or even healthy how about being happy? Let others figure out their own source of contentment so you can work on yours. Yes parents I am talking to you too. Especially those parents of teens. Tomorrow I am sending my 15 year old across the United States from ma to California at his request. You never know what the right answer for someone else is so I am respecting his decision and hoping that he can heal whatever wounds he has endured and make a happy well adjusted life for himself under his fathers guidance  .point being we all have dis-ease and disorders name it, claim it and find a way to get over it. That’s more than surviving that’s living the life you love 


    There is a vague emptiness

    That surrounds my chaos

    Surrealism that is misguided

    As this life lived in reverence

    Cast mundane aside

    For a moon dance 

    Saturating our cells

    In starlight from where we came filling that void

    To help us endure reality

    Suggestions that marginalized 

    The magnitude of being

    A better human spirit.

    Dancing in the dirt of reality

    Gleaning lessons of a souls journey.

    I push through obstacles

    Giving back what’s not mine

    Letting others be responsible for their own happiness and substandard choices

    In their existence

    Looking for a lifetime 

    Beyond these fleeting moments of love to share mind body and soul 

    Trashy existence 

    Music for this topic ( scale down and synchronicity by rising Appalachian )

    In one week I have quite the accomplishment!!!! One small bag of trash for four people! The rest is recycled and composted. We compost every thing paper, food pottery.  What can you do to keep your elimination to a small one bag in the land fill a week or even less? I reuse all the bags I can to pack snacks, make art and buy stuff with less packaging. It is hard with kids tho. If you can beat me and my Bag I am working on 9 days I’ll send you a piece of original art …. Send me proof a picture and your address…🤔🤗👏🏿🙌🏻👌🏼🗑we can save our world one space at a time. 

    Art rampages


    My hands are always busy. This week I continued working on my mobile. Well it’s not meant for me! I did use some recycled copper I came across at the dump!! Whenever I can I do. I use to buy copper from the recycling center but OSHA  had to go and make some law that says I can’t buy it from there!!! Anyways I had this idea that I needed to add one more piece to complete it and hung it. My son timeless and I went out to work on the teepee and have a fire and I came across this half wrapped gorgeous crystal that had been abandoned in the yard by a kid and time found a piece of telascope glass it was the perfect. Size for a combo! Now the double mobile is done. $250 total. After years of making this stuff I do know that some people can’t afford the whole price and want to buy just a piece of amazingness so each of the dangles is for sale too. I’ll have to figure out a way for me to list it on etsy! But I do hope it all sells as one piece since it is a divinely guided rustic eye candy that can’t be rushed process.   

     Adult coloring book 

    Im going to sell some art for a coloring book probably with poetry too I haven’t decided what the best way to publish it will be but I wan sharing some pics of the art you ( my readers) are welcome to download and color! Ha arn’t you glad you clicked on my link today;) 

        Magic cloak is still in the making inch by inch row by row I’m gonna make this lavender cape glow. I hope that it will become luminous in the black light making pics pop we shall see. 


    I have to admit I am broke so with two baby showers coming up I crotched some hats. I hope they love them soft and fuzzy. I can’t follow a pattern but I can crotchet almost anything to shape. 


     that’s about it for now thanks for reading . Behind me is the beautiful anja art work. You can find her under Jenna odhner



    So doing this newsletter from my phone or old computer is a whole days process. It takes a a whole day to upload and it still isn’t up loaded!!! Lol.

    Check out  more  on sacred holistic arts on etsy, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and how too do any thing on my online class sacredholisticarts/coursesites/a holistic approach to creativity

    Love and light in all your creations

    Colrain woman weaves dreams in pitchforks

    again, I will happily paint a mural and or donate a dream catcher for this calm room at Hill crest school. Let’s be part of the solution not part of the problem!!

    ! There are a lot of really mean people in this world my goodness!!! I am not even going to respond to them personally because it takes to much time and energy and I would rather feed into a positive solution than go to war with here is only a couple: turtle boy who had to resign from his position as a history teacher because he sexually harassed woman at a Patriots game. Turtle boy ( don’t turtles hide from everything?) who posted pics of myself and friends and customers as if he knows us! Taking absolutely everything out of context as if I write everything personal on my Facebook page lol or Cindy who I went to school with who never birthed any children from her own womb and I had to unfriend from my face book for her racist rants and name calling. I am getting terribly hurtful publicity for posting pictures you would not even believe the the harassment!

    This is not about me but the dozens if not hundreds of people who have been effected by this room

     this picture was taken on Monday after the superintendent went on line to say it doesn’t exist. Ok so what you are seeing here in this photo is not real. Nor did they add a few pillows which did not stop this parents child from sustaining multiple concussions. I have heard from kids  aged from 5-7 /12-16/ 20’s. That were put in the calm down room and it has had adverse effects for the long term. Most states this is illegal for a child to be isolated without an adult social adjustment counselor to help them move past these challenging behaviors. This is a community where we trust the professionals to be professional and to know. Yes children can come from all different backgrounds with all kinds of socioeconomical statuses and behavior challenges that need help overcoming their challenges to become successful world citizens? What can we do with this failing school system that has no money? What can we all do to be part of the solution and not part of the problem? Let’s stop deflecting from the issues and make our community a better place to live. What can you do?

    Tribal Gypsy/39

    Writing an insightful song to infiltrate

    the minds of humans

    & well meaning beings

    starting fires in your soul

    lighting the darkside

    forcing dignity

    and mindful habits

    Zeroing the production of waste

    Minimizing coperate greed.

    We all have our ways

    of lying to ourselves

    and deriving pleasure from pain

    Filling our minds with positive vibrations

    and the magik of creation

    this Tribal Gypsy

    dances on the graves

    of descended masters kissing the fate of all I encounter

    With a universal matrix of energy

    Healing mama Giai

    even tho


    This should be easier than this….

    so many souls

    Rendering this life incomplete

    from the disillusion of others realizations…

    from their ways of life

    trying to rain on my parade

    can’t be happy for me


    tho I work so hard to raise vibrations

    tho I raise the children

    doing more for them then

    anyone else can

    sacrifice everything including my dignity

    just stick the knife in deeper

    try and ruin everything I have worked for

    because misery loves company

    because disillusion

    and disorders run your life

    hear me out

    the choice is yours and karma

    is your destiny

    if you can’t hold it together

    don’t take me down

    to the depths of your despair

    tho I try to manifest greatness in life

    putting in all the good I can

    I can’t get caught in your vortex

    any more…

    Even tho I found love in my life

    taking it day by day

    I will protect it

    with truth and honor

    I will keep whats sacred ours

    it’s my time to live

    you need to work on yours

    unclassified / 38/ soul love saga

    Photo on 2-21-14 at 11.28 PM



    No labels sprawled arcoss my chest


    ancient symbols lay over my heart

    finding sacred in the dirt and decay

    finding peace on others heroin highway

    through the smoke and mirrors

    pain and galore watching the

    nightmares of the ones you love

    while you smell like sweet surrender

    in this apocalyptic nation

    and your friends and family go missing

    There is nothing left to say or do

    there is only so much light

    you can spread on this situation

    only so much love can be givin



    Virtual addictions. Seriously could someone enlighten me.

    Technology once again got in the way of me having fun. Crowed up the dance floor with people standing there on Facebook in the middle of a raging dance floor with sour puss looks on their faces while I was trying to get my dance on. Not once but many times last night. IF you would rather be on facebook than get off the dance floor. I just don’t understand. Maybe I am just getting old but I would really like to live life while I am here. Don’t get me wrong i pick up my phone while I am waiting in line or bored too. When there is life going on around me I choose not to view it virtually through this narrow scope of a view finder to post about what was happening instead of connecting authentically.There is so much more to life than this framed moment in time.  I spend time with my kids and not spend time posting about spending time with my kids. All around me I see people engaged in their phones instead of enjoying life. People at dinner and half of them are on the phone. Not only are they missing out on authentic connections but they are getting in the way of everyone who is trying to really live.  I like multitasking like anyone but if you eating with a group of people  or your up  in line at the grocery store and you have to pick up your phone for anything but an emergency or your kid you have a problem. IF you are on a dance floor that is raging and you are on Facebook really? In a lecture hall that you are paying for your education and you are scrolling through your social media your wasting your resources. All’s I am saying is put down the phone and enjoy life while you are still living. Enjoy authentic connection while you still have it. Meet people while you can because that person who you missed engaging with could have been the one.  It is time to raise your vibration and interact with this world in a way that will make that possible. There is a time and a place for everything.