Category Archives: wicca

Making magik by fall

The waterfall


while the windswept tree’s,

lose their leaves

raining down on me…

I take the harvest

from the summers garden

creating magik in my kitchen

curing  and drying herbs,

curing and

baking pies

getting ready for the turning of the sky…

turn, turn, turn

lady and lord

God and goddess

all universal energies..

From the stars and moons

the halo’s eve approaches

makeup and dress up

on the minds of many

making magik

in this realm

while my plants

have metamorphosed

through the season

their time has come to an end…

Mix, mix, mix

cut and tend

what I seek shall be mine

to blend…

Gathering momentum

like notions on the wind

I ask the hibernation

to energize my creative


make and mend

take and friend

what you love

shall be safe till the end.

Walking through the mountains

as the quilts of fall colours

adorn the view

alive with vitality

alive with velocity

nows the time to set intentions

create the pathways

that will carry us forward…

for our benefit/ 37/soul love saga

Add new spasmodic affiliations

afflicted with past revenue

past grief

and wrong doings to my body

to my body wrong doings were done

done and disabled are the wrongs

of human kind done by mankind

the human body was meant to nourish the divine earth

saturate her with our blood

composed with belief

as we tended fields our most sacred

moon cycles fell from our wombs

un-pregnated to the earth we worked

as drops landed in plants we cared for

modifying the earth we walked among creatures

as we were once one

plasmas and secretions

fell from our bodies to the hungry earth

needing replenishing from sustaining us

now hungry the fields are

from being over processed

to many years of not being cared for

over utilized we have lost touch with


our purpose of completions

of mass populating matrix style

designating chemical warfare

on our own environments

cancers rise

neurological disorders

plague the earth like never before

as the quality of the food

we bring to the table declines

the master of materials

master of rules

master of the public welfare system

should make compost mandatory

recycling  obligatory laws

make community gardens necessary

food stamps and poor farm work

that begins our rise out of the oppressive system

that has held us down and under

work for our food work for our benefit

rise above the system to be the system

that stabilizes and provides our own needs

in ways that nurture our souls

providing the child care we need

legalize the plants that ban the pills

universal health care not sick care

capture the rights of the people

to be safe from gang wars of our generations

our generations that have fought for fuel

the only biomass that is sustainable is hemp

and bio fuel in this counter culture

mushrooms  that are magic to counter balance the toxins


fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster

nuke fuels that are pouring thousands of gallons of toxic waste

into our oceans are already having detrimental effects on the earths creatures

un-repeatable problems that will last for thousands of years

along with the oil spills  that would have been cleaned with tossed grass

and chem trails that keep flying

spitting and sputtering controlling our weather through destroying

our atmosphere

where are we going?

such simple creatures causing such harm

who is to start doing the right thing

who will go down in history

governing laws that protect and serve

us and the earth

who’s to be accountable?

where are we really going with all this?

the new life class ‘A holistic approach to creativity


Here is the instructors welcome page for my new site… I would love for you all to check it out…A lot of love and learning in the process…




  • Blackboard
  • A Holistic approach to creativity is about discovering yourself and creativity through the modality of holistic health  and vitality that is always within you. Learning ways to be connected to the divine through a process of discovery. Finding that you can tap into  your constantly flowing stream of creativity. Learn to take challenges and turn them into opportunities. The class is taught by Michelle Crowningshield – Bryan author of two books: Pieces of soul love saga ( can be found on itunes) or On Amazon along with her second book Quantum Spirituality both  books of poetry and art. Once enrolled there is an electronic version of each book in your tools section.

    This life class utilizes tips and strategies that have been accumulated through her multiples sources of education including but not limited too: Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Fine Arts, Environmental and Holistic Health, Healing, Jewelry making, Dream catcher mythology and ritual tools. Other professionals will be creating and sharing profiles, video’s and tricks of the trade while working along side you as we all progress. Are you interested in sharing gifts for barter or trade? Contact me and I would be happy to talk with you. I am in the process of designing 52 different sections searching the globe to find what inspires us into making the world better including. The class will also utilize some of the knowledge of other participants. Having found the niche in this world to be really unique and amazing We will all help you to develop yours. This class is a community building workshop. When you purchase this class you will have access to it for as long as the Internet continues to work

    Each week there are posted assignments, exercises, recipe’s, video’s and meditations that are designed to put tools in your tool box and let you get the most out of your life class. .

    love actually


    What you can do is look at this course as a care and feeding for the soul. A support group for creativity. A place to nourish the divinity within you. This course may not teach you to be successful that is pure luck and perseverance. I can not give you will power, no one can that is up to you. What I can do is give you affirmation not to give up and give you tools to thrive. With care and feeding of the soul anything is possible. Without a long road of obstacles you loose your sense of adventure. What adventures you choose to make out of your life is up to you. If anything the one thing I have learned is how to push through obstacles using creativity and holistic health as a vehicle for healing.


    Thankfully this is not a graded course. You will get out of it what you put in. Simply stated I can give you the tools but I am not going to build the house for you. I can give you idea’s but learning is a process and you have to work through the process. You have steps that need to be followed and I have given idea’s on the different levels of artistic abilities that you can utilize if this is the first time you have ever thought about art or if you are a doctor of art. The core development of who you are is a continuous processes and it is up to you to find the joy in the work that you do and how you spend your time.


    My desire is to be able to work on community building and endless possibilities.  This is an important aspect of this class. This is a community of people who will thrive from your experience, from your work and wisdom. Without this communication between us  sometimes our learning experiences fail to be learned from and can turn into a forgotten folder or a wallowed in wasteland of blockage.

    For $125 You will receive access to this course site and become a member of a community of thriving artists in search of intentional connection.  I am sharing my $45,000+ worth of education for this introductory price. 52 classes to help you grow, learn, play and connect mind, body and soul. Learn how to access that divine energy that will help you create, love and heal. Work on deepening your relationship with your earth and universe expanding your consciousness and healing abilities.

    Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. No one is turned for lack of funds… The world is full of possibilities and options



day of the dead

Reckoning (Grateful Dead album)
Reckoning (Grateful Dead album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


the day of the dead

a day of reckoning

realizing all those have passed

are a thin veil away

a moment in time

passed and decayed

the day of the dead

honors all those who have passed

to the other side

another dimension

guiding through generations

gaps left through and through

my spirit guides are in tuned to my needs

I honor them

my ancestors they have shown me the way

I honor them

my past lives completes me

I honor them

this dimension I lift the veil

I fully see I am fully present

engaging all dimensions

through space and time

I engage all light energy

Lighting a candle

salt to water

water to salt

I purify thee

I seek to simplify

I seek to evoke the energies

of the past present and future

I seek guidence

Drawing my circle for protection

I call to them

I call out in prayer

in thanks

in gratitude

I burned sage and cleansed

my body spirit and mind

we wrote our intentions and burned them

releasing them to the universe





Turn,turn, turn /36/ soul love saga

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Turn, turn turn

There is a rhyme

For every reason a rhythm for ever season

A time for everything

For everything there is a time

Occupy your  mind

occupy this space

Stand for what you believe in

stand strong

Before corporations run as an invasive species

decay our land

Toil and trouble

Turn Turn Turn

The leaves of this October

To justify occupation

Harvest is over the lady descends

The lord takes over again

There is a cycle

That weaves the webs of our existence

One strand at a moment’s pace

We tie our knots

Making magic

As we secure

Our existence

Round we to collecting treats

Remembering the dead

on all hallows eve

Binding and tying

Each cross section carefully

Turn turn turn

Around we go again

Moving from one world to another

Change is in the air

Boiling and bubbling

Toil and troubling

Tricking and treating

In guise we go seeking

This the end of the warm season

The earth and our farms

Turn turn turn

The soil planting seeds

Sowing and reaping

Hope emerges through transition

as one world ends another begins

fall leaves our lives as our New Year begins


summer solsitice ritual/ 36/soul love saga

DSCF2168Summer solstice is a sacred time of the year. A time for joyous celabration and creation
where we begin to revel in her harvest and abundance
bonfires are lit
as we dance in the midst of green
wicker of wooden wheels were lit and rolled down a hill to imatate
the cycles of the sun and the powers of possibility

The sacred herbs are mugwort and vervain thrown in fire
summer flowers are worn in
the hair as a crown alters decorated with a valance of flowers
ceramonies and sacred rituals take
place worldwideeven underground
in tombs and caves as one walks out into the earth reborn
give thanks by make a libation of cider or ale the the earth

great earth mother we invoke you
I call upon you on the eve of summer solstice
to celabrate
your growing green and great abundance of hearvest
we ask for your contiued abudnance and prosperity
guide me through the quest of liberation
without sitation
guide me to my emancipation
of this reality
laced with techonlogy
set me free
from connection

the longest day of the year
a time for purification
this is time to realease sadness
renewing bonds
renew your commitment to find true love
list manifestations you want to bring into your life
on your alter letting it burn out
and as long as you harm none
due as you will