Tag Archives: conectedness

Watch “Songs of the Gypsy earth magik” on YouTube

Where do we go from here

  •   So in this whole mess we have to find a way to make education work for everyone. We need to find effective solutions for these schools that have no money to deal with the rising problems that they are facing.

I can only speak from my expierience and my educationaexperiences for my self and my children. My kids school situation has been incredibly difficult until we got them the help that they needed. I am not saying that we are on a easy road but learning how to advocate for their needs helps tremendously. I wish each kid came with their own guide book but after years I do have more knowledge and understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

In the school of question all three of my kids went there. My boys went to this calm room and my daughter saw it but never had to go. My oldest went there several times 8 years ago and at the time I didn’t question the professional thinking they had more expierience with these unruly behaviors but questioning him now since this has come up he said he was scared and hit and kicked the door. My younger son said he just used his time to sleep and it didn’t bother him. Effective for one not so for the other. The law states that an adult must be in there. Now let’s have say an adjustment counselor in there helping them to resolve issues, give the child more tools to put into their tool box so when problems arise in the future as they inevitably will they can access this knowledge. This can’t be done by sticking a kid in solitary confinement ! Hello! These kids will grow up and be a part of our community! I think we need to treat them likely and and teach them how to be civilized good world citizens.

I read an article that the advocate put out about Holyoke schools and abuse against special needs students! This is our most fragile growing  sector of our communities. Another recent case of abuse was exposed in Northampton school.

I understand how difficult it is to parent and teach kids with developmental issues. There are too many situations happening that need to be overhauled so we can get back to learning. One comment left said well what about these kids that are coming from abusive homes or poor nutrition or or or. They still deserve education and to feel safe.  And because they may come from abusive poor homes does not mean we can let the schools get away with abusive behavior too. Corporal punishment went away for a reason.

What about an overhaul of the system thT is ineffective and not working? Stop teaching to test and teach for the love of learning! Let’s face it the teachers hate it and so don’t the kids! That could be the cause of rising problems in education!  Trying to fit everyone in a box how about filling those boxes withe dirt and planting seeds and watching them grow?

Leverett schools took my youngest son who had gotten way out of control in Newton street schools and had a host of in resolved educational problems and helped. They were amazing! They got him a Nuero psych, a behavior consultation from a psychiatrist and put into place an I e p that helps him to this day! They taught me how to advocate for him what works well for him. He learns best in a small classroom.

Some parents have said that we don’t know how to parent we don’t beAt the kids… The list goes on. With all the rising environmental toxins and poor education that doesn’t fit our kids unlimited  technology doesn’t help we do look to the professionals to do the right thing.  I guess we are all at a loss if we don’t solve these problems as children grow and become independent adults without having the ability to solve problems. They are looking to self medicate to numb pain and creating more problems in our community.

Colrain woman weaves dreams in pitchforks

again, I will happily paint a mural and or donate a dream catcher for this calm room at Hill crest school. Let’s be part of the solution not part of the problem!!

! There are a lot of really mean people in this world my goodness!!! I am not even going to respond to them personally because it takes to much time and energy and I would rather feed into a positive solution than go to war with here is only a couple: turtle boy who had to resign from his position as a history teacher because he sexually harassed woman at a Patriots game. Turtle boy ( don’t turtles hide from everything?) who posted pics of myself and friends and customers as if he knows us! Taking absolutely everything out of context as if I write everything personal on my Facebook page lol or Cindy who I went to school with who never birthed any children from her own womb and I had to unfriend from my face book for her racist rants and name calling. I am getting terribly hurtful publicity for posting pictures you would not even believe the the harassment!

This is not about me but the dozens if not hundreds of people who have been effected by this room

 this picture was taken on Monday after the superintendent went on line to say it doesn’t exist. Ok so what you are seeing here in this photo is not real. Nor did they add a few pillows which did not stop this parents child from sustaining multiple concussions. I have heard from kids  aged from 5-7 /12-16/ 20’s. That were put in the calm down room and it has had adverse effects for the long term. Most states this is illegal for a child to be isolated without an adult social adjustment counselor to help them move past these challenging behaviors. This is a community where we trust the professionals to be professional and to know. Yes children can come from all different backgrounds with all kinds of socioeconomical statuses and behavior challenges that need help overcoming their challenges to become successful world citizens? What can we do with this failing school system that has no money? What can we all do to be part of the solution and not part of the problem? Let’s stop deflecting from the issues and make our community a better place to live. What can you do?

Magik for the book Quantum spirituality

My goodness where this journey has taken me wp fam! I had no idea!!! I am so thankful to keep pushing my arts farther and farther than what I have ever done before. Through out the years of working hard for the love of art.  To see this all wrapped up and being put into an interactive book where people will be able to access poetry with their five senses, see, touch, and feel, listen and taste….hmmm don’t have that one covered yet but can if we add some ben and jerry’s…thank you for watching, sharing and supporting this journey and being a part of it…. I love

Quantum poetry/Soul love saga/39

My Quantum  poetry is like

that moment you get to a lake

after a hot day.

The traffic was rediculous,

You worked outside all day

You really wanted a drink,

to kick your shoes off and do nothing all night.

Except listen to your waterfalls and crickets around a fire.

Here at the lake…

Water sparkles beckoning me to the center.

My quantum poetry is like

a million thoughts in that one moment

summing up the completion of a lifetime

this and last; good and bad energy and raising vibes.

My quantum poetry is like that water

still and cool to the touch as I paddle to the center.

Tree’s and mountains completely surrounding me

as I balance and do yoga totally present in the moment.

focused on everything to balance

as the sun penetrates my skin.

My Quantum poetry is like the breath.

As I slowly move through all the poses

in my practice.

I am keenly aware

of my inhalation keeping my center.

Gravity is the matrix

of energy I regulate

knowing eventually

one pose is going to send me over the edge.

Totally saturated in the middle of the lake,

in the middle of Giai’s womb.

My quantum poetry is like my quantum spirituality

educated and ravious in finding balance.

Illuminating the darkness

covering my soul like a patchwork quilt

picking patches of what feels good

to keep my warm

at night

giving me something I can feel.

Meditating as I sew it all together

knotting each wish as

we are stardust.

we are our own shooting stars

as our conciousness is fleeting

Magik/ Quantum Spirituality Poetic uprising gypsy montage

I am so close to the end of this project. I can almost see the light.

When I first began it started with a simple idea. Ohh you want me to put together a book? I can do that. And so it was….

Than I thought mmmm, wouldn’t it be cool if I turned it all into video’s and had a soundtrack for the whole thing so I can make it interactive like the first one but more. ….

oh but I don’t really want people to hear me, just my words.

I want people who have never had any expierience with poetry to be a part of it and fully emersed before they realize…

Anyway piece by piece this has formed into a way of life over the past year; Collecting art, artists, and video’s.

For better or worse I have been able to really rage these ideas.

I am so blessed to have found friends that I am so absolutely inspired by.

As I make the video’s that will one day be an interactive book but now hang out on youtube I get stuck in translation.

Then I remember something amazing that someone posted days, weeks or even years later and I have been blessed with so much cooperation with this project. and the ability to make it happen.

I have learned so much and continue on a daily basis making things work. I decided I have to because noone else can do it for me. nor would they even know where to begin…

IF only all this would lead to financial stability! For now tho I am totally in awe of where this is going and I couldn’t have planned this if I tried.But know that I know where it is going…. Watch out because I am on a mission:)

I want to share everything that I have been gifted with…

Here is my song for today let me know what you think of it

Tribal Gypsy/39

Writing an insightful song to infiltrate

the minds of humans

& well meaning beings

starting fires in your soul

lighting the darkside

forcing dignity

and mindful habits

Zeroing the production of waste

Minimizing coperate greed.

We all have our ways

of lying to ourselves

and deriving pleasure from pain

Filling our minds with positive vibrations

and the magik of creation

this Tribal Gypsy

dances on the graves

of descended masters kissing the fate of all I encounter

With a universal matrix of energy

Healing mama Giai

play me some music/39

Just give me something I can feel

In between

two sides of myself

a vibration of harmony

Something to gyrate my life

move me all night

breaking bonds from tradition

singing songs

I’m not a musician

I just love to play

geeking out on sound

and lack of structure

I’m set free

by music

rippling through my body

noise transfusion

by diffusion

through my pores I can feel it echo

through my blood and bones

radiating in my brain

live musicians are shamans

playing harmonies

inspiring dancers

jamming reality


healing time and space with their song

I’m grateful

to seduce and inspire raising vibrations

with my dancing

reckless abandon

melodies releasing the past and fueling the future

Finding and old instrument

that has seen many years

ideas, players and stages

is so erotic teasing me

with history

feels the same way

a gift from the goddess with pealing paint

and unleashed

raining down in inspired melodies

naked truth/39

I wear my skirts long

with nothing underneath

so I can feel my flowering pheromones

awakened by spring

naked feet

muddy earth

alive from the new sun

warming the face of our existence

warming me

we are all just one part of a whole symbiotic relationship

with giai

my skirts flow in the wind

caught on nothing  except landscape

that passes us by

in the mornings that still exists

but I just keep walking down my path

over obstacles that try and take over.

One last reach for freedom

with unwavering faith

that only fools feel

when the depths of loneliness shadow

every day preoccupation of motherhood

strong and stable like a pillar

portrayed by a community

with little choice

it’s all I can do not to escape

or runaway yet keep moving forward

on the earths rotation around the sun

filtering the abyss between mind and reality

right and wrong

while nurturing

us all to grow

learn and play

while becoming good world citizens

because i can’t someday.

There is nothing between Giai and I

no secrets to unfold

or stories untold

just naked truth

nothing between the stars and I

but star dust and atmosphere

Endless possibilites

Endless possibilities

Opened up with

A poem



The power of words

rained down in letters

and the power of play.

Playing with possibilities

whispered with one


From this life or another?


a hunger for knowing

with every glance.

Im a restless renagade

everything in my life is a complex.

Rythm for the syntax

complicated yet simple and sensual.

I like the challange of creating,

turning on

my creativity like a light switch.

Energy starts flowing

here it is

all or nothing.

Poetry playing on words

wondering minds

ache in anticipation.

Like a renegade running for the time of your life

a rogue wave in the sea of familiar faces

still breathless you found me.

Familiar eyes

Captured me out of my routine.

An unexpected pleasure of conversation

in the sweats of an improving life

contours escape thin fabrics

and hide reminicent

sensualities of movement.

A quickening of my heartbeat

makes it hard to speak.

Through rhythms an alliance

born from poetry and music

echoing words not spoken

like a whisper of snow falling

The hibernation of winter is over

it’s time for the sun to shine

it’s time to play.

Springing complex lives into to simplicity

gathering momentum

an endurance of dreams

dancing of words and ways

into the waking moments

endless possibilities started

when the door opened.