Tag Archives: wishes

Colrain woman weaves dreams in pitchforks

again, I will happily paint a mural and or donate a dream catcher for this calm room at Hill crest school. Let’s be part of the solution not part of the problem!!

! There are a lot of really mean people in this world my goodness!!! I am not even going to respond to them personally because it takes to much time and energy and I would rather feed into a positive solution than go to war with here is only a couple: turtle boy who had to resign from his position as a history teacher because he sexually harassed woman at a Patriots game. Turtle boy ( don’t turtles hide from everything?) who posted pics of myself and friends and customers as if he knows us! Taking absolutely everything out of context as if I write everything personal on my Facebook page lol or Cindy who I went to school with who never birthed any children from her own womb and I had to unfriend from my face book for her racist rants and name calling. I am getting terribly hurtful publicity for posting pictures you would not even believe the the harassment!

This is not about me but the dozens if not hundreds of people who have been effected by this room

 this picture was taken on Monday after the superintendent went on line to say it doesn’t exist. Ok so what you are seeing here in this photo is not real. Nor did they add a few pillows which did not stop this parents child from sustaining multiple concussions. I have heard from kids  aged from 5-7 /12-16/ 20’s. That were put in the calm down room and it has had adverse effects for the long term. Most states this is illegal for a child to be isolated without an adult social adjustment counselor to help them move past these challenging behaviors. This is a community where we trust the professionals to be professional and to know. Yes children can come from all different backgrounds with all kinds of socioeconomical statuses and behavior challenges that need help overcoming their challenges to become successful world citizens? What can we do with this failing school system that has no money? What can we all do to be part of the solution and not part of the problem? Let’s stop deflecting from the issues and make our community a better place to live. What can you do?

efficacy of obsession/38/ soul love saga

Photo on 2-21-14 at 11.25 PMim on the edge of something wonderful

a pinnacle cycle

the life lines stop intersecting

and slows down so I can enjoy the show

the ones who didn’t matter are gone

the ones who couldn’t fight for me and the weak are lost

the one who wanders in my dreams

so real, I could taste the kiss

so sweet we melt as the sun rises

I am ready for the eternal soul rendering love

the efficacy of obsession

for evolution and revolution

preoccupy my time

I have earned my wings

I am ready to fly

soar above the troubles of today

catching the world from another perspective

other than where madrigal moments of antidote

anointing  into my soul

as this adjournment captivates my sub consciousness

safely my secret winsome tale


breathing with this

altered sense of knowing

or not

just enjoying the dream

before I have to wake up

magik made in meals and love/ 38/ soul love saga

Our river runs through it.

Radio active pollutions.

on the banks green edge

The compression on my chest

Is as constant as my pulse to live

My heart is suffocating

To its on  beat

As loneliness settles in

A fixture that turns on and off at will

Leaking out pheromones

Unable to be kept

Bottled tight

Stranger than these moments

Passing are the simple reflections

Of what life could be

With each quick glance

Shut off valves with conversations

Prime year void of the

Connection between partners

Or desires between lovers

Trace elements of complex

Relationships when eyes meet

Or a hand touches another

Unspoken words

Magic made in love and meals

Upheaval and dismay

I clean to be strong pushing

Through attitudes and misconceptions

And never ending battles

Of obstacles that are life

Just so I  can feel the sun

Warm my skin

the new life class ‘A holistic approach to creativity


Here is the instructors welcome page for my new site… I would love for you all to check it out…A lot of love and learning in the process…





  • Blackboard
  • A Holistic approach to creativity is about discovering yourself and creativity through the modality of holistic health  and vitality that is always within you. Learning ways to be connected to the divine through a process of discovery. Finding that you can tap into  your constantly flowing stream of creativity. Learn to take challenges and turn them into opportunities. The class is taught by Michelle Crowningshield – Bryan author of two books: Pieces of soul love saga ( can be found on itunes) or On Amazon along with her second book Quantum Spirituality both  books of poetry and art. Once enrolled there is an electronic version of each book in your tools section.

    This life class utilizes tips and strategies that have been accumulated through her multiples sources of education including but not limited too: Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Fine Arts, Environmental and Holistic Health, Healing, Jewelry making, Dream catcher mythology and ritual tools. Other professionals will be creating and sharing profiles, video’s and tricks of the trade while working along side you as we all progress. Are you interested in sharing gifts for barter or trade? Contact me and I would be happy to talk with you. I am in the process of designing 52 different sections searching the globe to find what inspires us into making the world better including. The class will also utilize some of the knowledge of other participants. Having found the niche in this world to be really unique and amazing We will all help you to develop yours. This class is a community building workshop. When you purchase this class you will have access to it for as long as the Internet continues to work

    Each week there are posted assignments, exercises, recipe’s, video’s and meditations that are designed to put tools in your tool box and let you get the most out of your life class. .

    love actually


    What you can do is look at this course as a care and feeding for the soul. A support group for creativity. A place to nourish the divinity within you. This course may not teach you to be successful that is pure luck and perseverance. I can not give you will power, no one can that is up to you. What I can do is give you affirmation not to give up and give you tools to thrive. With care and feeding of the soul anything is possible. Without a long road of obstacles you loose your sense of adventure. What adventures you choose to make out of your life is up to you. If anything the one thing I have learned is how to push through obstacles using creativity and holistic health as a vehicle for healing.


    Thankfully this is not a graded course. You will get out of it what you put in. Simply stated I can give you the tools but I am not going to build the house for you. I can give you idea’s but learning is a process and you have to work through the process. You have steps that need to be followed and I have given idea’s on the different levels of artistic abilities that you can utilize if this is the first time you have ever thought about art or if you are a doctor of art. The core development of who you are is a continuous processes and it is up to you to find the joy in the work that you do and how you spend your time.


    My desire is to be able to work on community building and endless possibilities.  This is an important aspect of this class. This is a community of people who will thrive from your experience, from your work and wisdom. Without this communication between us  sometimes our learning experiences fail to be learned from and can turn into a forgotten folder or a wallowed in wasteland of blockage.

    For $125 You will receive access to this course site and become a member of a community of thriving artists in search of intentional connection.  I am sharing my $45,000+ worth of education for this introductory price. 52 classes to help you grow, learn, play and connect mind, body and soul. Learn how to access that divine energy that will help you create, love and heal. Work on deepening your relationship with your earth and universe expanding your consciousness and healing abilities.

    Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. No one is turned for lack of funds… The world is full of possibilities and options




touch me/38/soul love saga

IMG_2305Touch me softly

with the gentleness of a light breeze.

A caress that lights my soul

and gathers momentum as the tides

roll in for the night.

Touch me softly

where strangers don’t see.

Words spoken in the twilight hours

taken for love

given in love

waiting for love

to sweep me into a dream

off to a mecca

and island of delight.

Whispering for noone elses ears

a secret that wanted no one else to hear

between lovers

soul mates

so tied to each other

bonds not even dared ot be broken

protections from all the worlds

devistations in each others arms

moments that graced us as time stood still

here is my new page about my new book coming soon to print!!!!


Pieces of Soul love saga



http://www.amazon.com/more-pieces-soul-love-saga-ebook/dp/B00GG61CUOfirst published through I tunes you will discover a video and a song made for the poetry on the pages there are 25 pages of poetry and art…

now making it’s way to amazon in electronic form you will find more poetry 58 pages worth with more art and lots of heart and soul.  BY december you will be able to buy this edition out in paperback!!!! a dream come true.. I would love any and all love and support as my foster kids just left my care after a year of being in our family and I am now ” jobless” and having empty nest while my kids are still at home… How does that work? anyway I love my wordpress family and thought I would follow up on the request to build a page for my book and all of it’s info so it can be easily found (:and bought:)

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more pieces of soul love saga [Kindle Edition]

michelle crowningshield (Author)

Digital List Price: $2.99 What’s this? 
Kindle Price: $2.99

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Book Description

Publication Date: November 12, 2013
soul love saga is a large collection of poems and short stories that all interconnect. Some are fiction others are non fiction. I tell my stories of where I have been and I tell others stories that have remained unforgettable or those that need to be immortalized. It is a story of growth and learning to thrive through the hardest of obstacles. There are lots of original art and photo’s that adorn each page. In Ibook format I decided to give pieces of what you can expect when soul love saga is finished and published. ( I am still looking for a publisher :) My poetry stands alone I have been influenced by Bukowski as much as Emily and frost. You can check out more of my work at crowningshield@wordpress.com or if a piece really speaks to you I would love to talk back sacredholisticarts@gmail.com I have kept the more personal and explicit stories for when my whole series is published… thank you for reading. Namaste’ Michelle

Product Details

  • File Size: 8210 KB
  • Print Length: 58 pages
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
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reminisce cafe/19/soul love saga

Coffee cup
Coffee cup (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

sitting in a small coffee shop

sipping cappuccino alone

looking out the window

longing to cry

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soft lips

gently I could kiss


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I watch a homeless man go by

I’ve been there a couple times

I wonder where love is

seeing everyday lost wills roaming

it’s hard to find the strength

to make it day by day

I know there is more for me

looking down these streets

hold all possibilities

it’s not easy to preoccupy me

paradise won’t cramp my style

if I can find a way

the coffee will never taste the same

To cop ( to score) ~trinity love


To cop (to score)

Intrinsic stuttering, the life force so dim, melted piles of wax, from where the flame once began,

Vacant, Broken,Searching for cause. Tallying and counting, pointing out flaws.

Wasteland of reason, the ego unbound, flirtations with infinity, the soul slowly drowned.

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Rutty old sneaker worn through to the bone, the ringing of lovers , upon vacant phones.

Bewildered and toothless, the world belches forth, casual implications, denial of source. still searching

no beginning no end/37/soul love saga


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I’ve lost hope in balance

between love + chaos

I miss those moments of making music

and melting into you

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memories that open my heart

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