Category Archives: anxiety disorder

Colrain woman weaves dreams in pitchforks

again, I will happily paint a mural and or donate a dream catcher for this calm room at Hill crest school. Let’s be part of the solution not part of the problem!!

! There are a lot of really mean people in this world my goodness!!! I am not even going to respond to them personally because it takes to much time and energy and I would rather feed into a positive solution than go to war with here is only a couple: turtle boy who had to resign from his position as a history teacher because he sexually harassed woman at a Patriots game. Turtle boy ( don’t turtles hide from everything?) who posted pics of myself and friends and customers as if he knows us! Taking absolutely everything out of context as if I write everything personal on my Facebook page lol or Cindy who I went to school with who never birthed any children from her own womb and I had to unfriend from my face book for her racist rants and name calling. I am getting terribly hurtful publicity for posting pictures you would not even believe the the harassment!

This is not about me but the dozens if not hundreds of people who have been effected by this room

 this picture was taken on Monday after the superintendent went on line to say it doesn’t exist. Ok so what you are seeing here in this photo is not real. Nor did they add a few pillows which did not stop this parents child from sustaining multiple concussions. I have heard from kids  aged from 5-7 /12-16/ 20’s. That were put in the calm down room and it has had adverse effects for the long term. Most states this is illegal for a child to be isolated without an adult social adjustment counselor to help them move past these challenging behaviors. This is a community where we trust the professionals to be professional and to know. Yes children can come from all different backgrounds with all kinds of socioeconomical statuses and behavior challenges that need help overcoming their challenges to become successful world citizens? What can we do with this failing school system that has no money? What can we all do to be part of the solution and not part of the problem? Let’s stop deflecting from the issues and make our community a better place to live. What can you do?

Bipolar planetary preoccupation



When the winds have changedpuzzle peices

and nothing goes as planned
Bi polar up and ran with any of my sanity her rage brings out the darkest sides of my soul
Painful moments that go against everything i ever thought i was
And everything i think i am
This is beyond someone reacting in a difficult situation
This is someone who is constantly in a stAte of shock abused
Trying to make things work


water color washes over me/2012/ soul love saga

I found my mouth salivating

as the kids

meddled their fingers in

water colors

color washes on thick paper

my mind reaches into the empty dark

chasm of possibilities

when I open my eyes desires melt

as the to do

lists mount

high with expectations

mountains of laundry

lay awaiting

sprawled out in the colorful horizon

a landscape in need of vacuuming


kids echoing wants as

my mouth dries in arid anticipation

of the mayan end of the world

fear of stagnation and unchanged environment

rises above

with the hope of a new world

with collective consciousness


dis orders/38/soul love saga

Open your eyes and see me standing here


calling out to you.

Hear me as I speak.

I need you to listen to me.

Everything I do is for you

I sacrificed everything daily just so we can survive.

Lost my dignity.

My body is changed forever.

My soul is growing, thriving and suffering

all at the same time..

Guilt plagues me in the nights

as well as lonileness that dwells in the stillness

when you all sleep like angels sweetly


without showing dis abilities

acting incapable of progressing

or raising your families vibration.

You won’t ever read this

the lack of interested in everything

i say and do is capable of tearing down

every thing I have worked so hard for.

Instead of running away in the face of adversity

and chaos that constanly plague our lives.

I meditate and try to raise my own vibration.

I walk behind you and try to guide

while doing damage control.

I cook you meals at your own distaste

but I make sure they are wholesome

while you waste.

I listen to your screams and your disrespect

incapable of grasping reality

tearing at the boundaries like a holy terror.

I clean all day as a ritual

hoping to calm the savage beast

ease the chaotic into well being and

clear the mind.

while the structure is even

the mess from destruction

leaves dust settling in every corner

and broken glass that was shattered

in difiance.

My mind is in constant tramatic influx

searching for answers

while more questions are being created.

sometimes it is too much for one to handle

like throwing me over the edge

where is the grace

or guiding light?

where is my other half

making it right?

Where is the path or

instruction manuel

there is nothing i wouldn’t do

to make it all right

to feel the ease of love

that could make each day worth living

and enjoying again