Category Archives: biomedicine vs. holistic health

Sacred Holistic Arts*~balancing and winter works


Is finding normalcy in this life even possible? We have all have our preconceived notions of what normal is supposed to be like, but is living it actually what we want? I told my daughter last night that I would love it if she could be happy all the time but that isn’t always possible. Sometimes we have to take life by the moments.  Sometimes you have to just find one thing beautiful and focus on that for awhile and realize that moment is beautiful and eventually they add up.

Sure I would love a house, a husband/wife I could be faithful too a great job and a group of friends I go out with on one scheduled visit a month. Sadly not my life right now and I would have to give up my summer touring around for one or more of the normal things and I am not ready to grow up that much yet. Stability is not over rated and yet I am not ready to settle for just any house or job that might take me away from my art. The key is balance.

Striving for amazingness is great but not if it makes you go crazy!  A little each day just do a little something and eventually it will add up! I am amazed as I begin to publicly share my stuff just how much I do make and as you get to know me and my life it’s a lot of chaos but I make things happen pushing through obstacles.

Patina time this picture right here is of the two arbiters that I made for the mobile’s and now I am oxidizing them so they are that beautiful turquoise color. I have been holding my breath for A few days during this process hoping it doesn’t destroy the work and enhances it nicely!!!!!!! For the know how check out my online course~ a holistic approach to creativity

Here is the piece before I started I added some more stuff to it. My niece came in and says”aunty M why you hang my dream catcher up there silly that’s mine” she is three. so we made it uniquely hers. Music by one of my favourites bands Lucid.

I made some one of a kind you just bought something amazing so I made you a really cool bag that your gonna want to keep:)

Nutrition health and healing

I really have a hard time in the winter. It is def not my fav. season! when it comes to maple season I get so excited! My family started tapping tree’s last year and I am hooked! It is hard work but when it boils and I grab a cup of tea or cocoa with boiling sap water that is our reward!  Sweet rose tea and sap water.

Bring it on! Here is my weight loss super shake.

2 scoops of protein powder of your choice

1 cup of Keifer

I table spoon of spiralina

1 tblsp of Hemp powder.
  I could eat a head of cabbage all by my self.

mix with olive oil and nutritional yeast and roast

 New stuff in the collection for sale

 Here is a pic of the unity scarf I knit… $110 this can wrap around my neck three times

White Lilly crown shown here by princess Lailah can be found on my etsy . She came to sleep over and wanted to play dress up!!!! Lots of princess dresses later.. I love this girl!

  New head piece unicrystal $45  
Can find this heady piece on etsy too.

These I haven’t listed so if you have interested pm me   

  Homeschool moments in timekids making cookies with sap boiling in the   Background .. Below is our field trip to shelburne falls pot holes

 MCrowningshield @giaimagik View my profile page twitter


Amazon you can find my two books… Soul love saga and Quantum Spirituality

Sacred holistic arts~* kitchen sink yoga


Standing alone in this world against all odds I thrive. Taking life one moment at a time trying to have faith that all i need will come to me when I need them the most.  I begin yet another job to self support while giving me enough time to do what I was meant to do.



just breathe. I can’t let the stress get to me. I meditate on the here and now. Now being optimal since it is the only thing I can control.  Let the light into my body and adjust my posture. Pulling and aligning my spine by the crown of my head, sit taller. Engage your abs and you are bringing everything, all of your eternal organs, your thoughts into well being and activating them on a very real level.

Yoga teaches me so much about aligning my body and figuring out how the best way to position myself as work.

As a mom I spend at least an hour a day doing dishes. If I were a star I could hire someone to do this but I am not so I won’t. I do it myself and I have to utilize every moment I can. Ok so I am also dealing with winter weight and have to optimize every calorie and calorie burning minutes I can. Here are some yoga moves I do at the kitchen sink remember to engage your core and position and roll your body around being thoroughly conscious of your posture. I have drawn circles to help you position your body. Try isolations   slow  and fast like a belly dance shimmy.

Creators life

As a creator of everything under the sun my hardest task is finding a way not to live in a daydream. I am a romantic and one word or action can change my world and the way I think of it. I stand and a tornado of idea’s is ravaging me when I try to order coffee and I look like a bumbling idiot who just created a whole empire in my head.

Waging the rainbow watercolour and ink $25

Vending summer thoughts flowing through my mind

As I start to think about the upcoming festival season ( ok it’s always on my mind) I got a email from Alison one of my favourite artists in the world for conscious alignment. I am super psyched and ready to start working on applications. Tho as time goes on I feel like venues are increasing becoming more difficult to get into Is this on purpose?  As someone who does all her own work to sell meaning one of a kind handmade non production pieces it’s difficult to stay ahead! Banaroo use to discount artists I hope other venues learn this karma saving lessons as well


I love how pieces develop over time. They live through my life as they are made being tried on by dozens of kids. I take them to festivals and they get tried on by hundreds of people who love to dress up and get fancy fancy in the booth. It really is the reason I make these big intense things. I love seeing beautiful faces smiling at my wares. This one was worn in the most amazing performance by jazmin of the luminous Flo tribe during Pink talking phish… Amazingness. The picture was taken by Roger Gupta.

Holistic approach to creativity

 MCrowningshield @giaimagik View my profile page               twitter

Amazon you can find my two books… Soul love saga and Quantum Spirituality


Finding your way ~Sacred holistic arts

 If you are reading this you are on your way to the sacred. We are all searching to better our lives one moment at a time.

Luminous Meditating   $60
We are a nation that looks forward to the future and lives in the past. Though I do believe that if you want to progress it’s best to learn from your past and have an idea on where you want to go in the future. The focus should be in the here and now. You really can’t live in any other time than the now. Now is just where you were meant to be. E Tolle wrote a phenomenal book here and now and it teaches us that nothing exists but the here and now.

New England is the only place where you can have all seasons happening in one week. Two snow days and one weekend really help me to focus on my work, my calling, my art. Snow bound moments in time keep me creating on full alert. Scrambling to make money and pay bills while staying true to who I am is a balance I enjoy.

$150 This is the desert dweller dreams

   This guy right here is laced with many dreams and the wire is pencil thick

I’m in the middle of applying for a HUGE grant through a company called Artplace. If you have big idea’s on art centered things in your community I suggest looking it up. If I were to get this it could make my dreams come true and bring an art Mecca to this valley. When I went to the seminar it was all about ‘ What would you do if you had unlimited resources to make your dreams come true?’ Sooo what would you do?


Colrain woman weaves dreams in pitchforks

again, I will happily paint a mural and or donate a dream catcher for this calm room at Hill crest school. Let’s be part of the solution not part of the problem!!

! There are a lot of really mean people in this world my goodness!!! I am not even going to respond to them personally because it takes to much time and energy and I would rather feed into a positive solution than go to war with here is only a couple: turtle boy who had to resign from his position as a history teacher because he sexually harassed woman at a Patriots game. Turtle boy ( don’t turtles hide from everything?) who posted pics of myself and friends and customers as if he knows us! Taking absolutely everything out of context as if I write everything personal on my Facebook page lol or Cindy who I went to school with who never birthed any children from her own womb and I had to unfriend from my face book for her racist rants and name calling. I am getting terribly hurtful publicity for posting pictures you would not even believe the the harassment!

This is not about me but the dozens if not hundreds of people who have been effected by this room

 this picture was taken on Monday after the superintendent went on line to say it doesn’t exist. Ok so what you are seeing here in this photo is not real. Nor did they add a few pillows which did not stop this parents child from sustaining multiple concussions. I have heard from kids  aged from 5-7 /12-16/ 20’s. That were put in the calm down room and it has had adverse effects for the long term. Most states this is illegal for a child to be isolated without an adult social adjustment counselor to help them move past these challenging behaviors. This is a community where we trust the professionals to be professional and to know. Yes children can come from all different backgrounds with all kinds of socioeconomical statuses and behavior challenges that need help overcoming their challenges to become successful world citizens? What can we do with this failing school system that has no money? What can we all do to be part of the solution and not part of the problem? Let’s stop deflecting from the issues and make our community a better place to live. What can you do?

Intuitive healing/ soul love saga/39

IMG_0316 spring 2013 140 native spirit peace pagoda winter2012 169 DSCF2771 winter2012 178

charcoal  and pastel  $100
charcoal and pastel $100
woman in the wind  water colour original  by Michelle $100
woman in the wind
water colour original
by Michelle
watercolor $25
watercolor $25
water coulor and ink $100
east heaven

winter 2013 634 winter 2013 670 winter 2013 659 DSCF2442

I close my eyes

and touch gentally on the spine


breathing in stardust

and the energy from the stars, sun, and moon

a three dimensional matrix rises up

connecting the web of life

interwoven and interconnected

to everything that ever was

and everything that ever will be

i raidiate in abundant healing energy

Deep wthin this life vessel

we are everything that we need

to heal a

vibrating paradox

Life force energies grow with

focused cell regenerations

muscle manipulation

healing the core of care

self love

clearing of chakra’s

time to release all

that serves no purpose

* white lilly tincture and poem/ 36/soul love saga

ch 5                    I stayed in a cute little cabin on a  lake with my family. Five miles of connected lakes left many places for us to explore on our kayaks. We would take the boats in every direction. I have been on a special hunt for white Lilly. Not only is it gorgeous and make beautiful pictures but it is really a magical all powerful healing medicine. The smell of the flower is sweet and is as  endearing as the sacred geometry of the petals. The white water lily is traditional Native American medicine and can often be found as part of  Chinese medicine as well.’ The dried root and rhizome of the white water-lily have been used to treat gastrointestinal, genital, and bronchial conditions when given orally. Externally, the leaves and roots have been made into ointments and other topical mixtures to be used to treat inflammation and lesions. The white water lily also has antibiotic and astringent properties.'(Amanda Bussen)

Collecting the water Lily rhizome is a challenge I pulled my kayak into a moose path. Through the muck and lily’s we paddled in hopes of seeing a moose to no avail. The summer sun setting and the dragon flies of every color fly past us. My daughter Zoe and I were in the same boat rowing in unison. Saving the little dragons who had fallen to their death. When out in the middle of the lake We heard a water drop kind of a noise I turned and looked into the eyes of a very dark head as it slowly decended into the water. I don’t know what it was but we believed it was a mermaid. We both saw it and it never came up anywhere else.

We continued our search for viable water lily and came into the shallows where I could reach down and grabed the roots known as rhizomes. I had been on a mission to find water lily for me to use in my healing medicine since I heard about from my teacher Chris Marano from Clearpath Herbals, one of the most energetically amazing teachers I have ever met. He broke off a piece and gave us some to chew on. the lily root puckered my mouth drawing  all of the moisture from it in a wild way. He told us it could be used as an astringent and also good for tightening the uterus.  It is very slimy but is like a stick I pull out a few feet. Take it back to the cabin and wash and peel… I cut the root up and put it into a clean jar filling it up. I take vodka or vinegar and cover the roots. Letting it set for six weeks. From there be careful to get the right lily using and identification guide because there are poisonous ones.  Here is more info I was able to glean….

“Water Lily for Healing

The leaves of Nuphar polysepala have been traditionally used to stop bleeding and a poultice may be made from the roots to help relieve the swelling of wounds.
The root of Nuphar polysepala may also be used for inflammation. A poultice may be used or a decoction may be used as a gargle for mouth inflammation and sore throats.
Nymphaea nouchali is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat indigestion. It is called Ambal.

The scent of a water lily is said to have general healing properties.

Water Lily Magick

Water lily resonates with the energy of the moon and the water element.

The flowers and stems of any water lily can be used in spells designed to reduce sexual cravings.

Either Nymphaea lotus or Nymphaea caerulea (or both) may have been used by priests to encourage trance states and by party goers as a mildly hallucinogenic aphrodisiac. The petals would have been steeped in wine.

The petals of Nymphaea alba were steeped in wine to produce a sedative or an aphrodisiac while the stems and roots were said to have an anaphrodisiac affect.

Magical correspondences for Water Lilies
Gods: Nefertem, Ra
Element: water
Planet: Moon, Neptune
Month: July
Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Water Lily Symbolism
In general, water lilies are associated with rebirth and optimism as they return to waterways after the rains, even if they dried up the previous season. The water lily also symbolizes fertility, sexuality and creation.

White water lilies symbolize peace, purity, pleasure and spiritual enlightenment. In ancient Greece, white water lilies symbolized modesty.” (

                    I sipped my tincture

 under the light of a full moon

surrounded by a rainbow

white lilly

collected from a journey up north

where I had to row

my boat through

the thick bog following the moose trails

a mermaid goddess of the Pearl

in the lakes of Ebomee

watched as we

gathered her rhizomes

in the sitting summer sun

A journey unlike any other

 I traveled, boated and collected

cleaned + cut

poured + stirred

=all for the love of the Journey

 all for the intention of healing

health and herbals

Wheat’s connection to dis-ease and holistic health’s approach to a cure.

There are so many theories on cancer, radiation and the after shocks from the  protocol of killing cells. I am very interested in holistic approaches to going and staying cancer free.

What does it take to stay alive after a diagnosis? How do you stay cancer free when genetics are working against you? What are the long term effects of radiation? How can we use holistic health practices to our advantage?

175,000 woman are diagnosed with breast cancer a year(22,Weed).

My Mom,  is a survivor of breast cancer;she had a double mastectomy and has been cancer free for 8 years. Two of the five women I know that have been diagnosed with cancer from that time period are still alive. I attribute a lot of this to their lifestyle changes. Ginger didn’t quit smoking and Jake didn’t quit drinking they died both last year.

There are a few things that help along the growth of breast cancer;

Hormones including the one’s your body makes and the ones found in milk, meat, steroids and cortisone.

Organochlorines are found out in pesticides and herbicides, plastics and other chlorine products like water and bleached paper.

Radiation, Electromagnetic fields like the one’s emitted from microwaves and computers monitors.

Alcohol, and extra calories from processed foods and sugar.

Lights at night decrease melatonin which is beneficial in cancer prevention.

Sunscreen and mineral oil block the body’s ability to make vitamin d a great antioxidant that helps to fight cancer.  As we also know it prevents sunburns that can cause cancer… Make sure that you are balancing the screen free time with sunscreen and only use natural stuff without a lot of chemicals or make your own.

Woman who wear bra’s show a 20%increase in breast cancer because they cut off circulation. Wearing anti- perspirint decreses  the bodies ability to rid itself of toxins.

Good news though by changing to a healthy lifestyle it is reversible with the foods we eat like phytoestrogens, semi- vegetarian diet, lots of green veggies, lots of vitamin c, e, d, selenium . Though taking supplements is not as effective as eating real foods that contain these ingredients. Susan Weed has a few books on herbal remedies to help along your health. She makes herbalism easy to understand. She makes breast cancer a beatable case.

What it comes down to is attitude and the ability to beat it…Regular exercise improves the body’s function of immune system and reduces stress. Taking the time for self care is important too. The typical women who has cancer is one who tries hard to please others.(22-25weed)

Darell Shchmitt, 56, is a survivor of pancreatic cancer which has little to no success rate in overcoming. What is really interesting in this case is his diagnosis after surviving.  The Doctor’s found the cancer through biopsy’s that they took in the head of his pancreases. A biopsy is in essence very invasive way of finding cancer by cutting into the body and taking tissue samples from the place that has abnormal cells. Within two weeks of his Diagnosis he was on the operating table, three weeks after his terrible stomach pain that caused him to go to the doctors in the first place. ‘Aug. 28, 2007. Doctors removed the head and neck of Schmidty’s pancreas, half of his stomach, his gall bladder, bile duct, some lymph nodes and one-and-a-half feet of his small intestine.’ After the surgery he started loosing weight rapidly going from 206 to 155 in just a few weeks, he was very weak and grey. Soon he was diagnosed with Celiac’s disease and osteoporosis. Now he is taking 26 pills a day he has changed his diet and is living a good life.(Gardner) The only question that I have is if his celiac diagnosis came earlier than would it have saved him from having to endure cancers at all?

My son, Ocean was having really bad eczema all over his body but especially bad in the diaper area. He was just five years old. After I read the Atkins diet and discovered that wheat allergies come out differently and that most people are not able to process gluten in varies forms. After a long story his wheat allergy was diagnosed but not before other symptoms had taken over his body.  He had an anaphylactic reaction; he contracted staph and kept getting it during that first summer. He almost died. He couldn’t pick his head up off the chair, his stomach was bleeding. I got rid of the medicines and did a pure holistic approach to his issues. I got his diet under control, turns out wheat is in everything. As the toxicity was cleaned out of his system his skin cleared up and his energy returned. He was having topical symptoms of toxicity in his system and I was able to change this and solve his issue’s had I not than would he have also developed cancer or celiacs?

I had never would have  linked wheat allergy and eczema together. Ocean would have continued to show symptoms that would have been diagnosed as topical things like eczema. . Now I search for cures I find all kinds of links to wheat allergy’s and cancers, auto immune disorders, ‘osteoporosis, epilepsy, learning disorders, infertility, miscarriages, liver disease and a wide variety of problems.’( Miller)

Gluten allergy’s mean that you are not processing your food properly. The digestion doesn’t work when you have gluten sensitivities; the body becomes nutritionally deficient causing auto immune deficiency. Not all who have one thing will have another, everything depends on environmental conditions.

The tissue damage from the inability to digest wheat gluten proteins causes so many varieties of problems that won’t ever be considered by most physicians as a issue. Every body has  cancer cells that could mutate; a healthy body takes care of these. If your body is compromised through stress or improper digestion these cells could turn cancerous, you could get sick from the common cold or other auto immune problems could take over.

“Gluten contains opioid mimicking peptides called exorphins that have been found to cause such a state. These peptides can increase the risk of cancer by preventing the immune system’s natural killer cells from detecting and destroying cancerous cells. Exorphins can also facilitate the progression of cancer by increasing insulin production which has the effect of feeding cancer cells and assisting their growth.’(Miller)

So just taking gluten out of your diet could significantly alter your body’s ability to fight anything. Gluten has peptides that resemble human tissue’s making the body react through antibodies to attack different organs of the body.(Miller)

Keeping your immune system operating at ‘maximum efficiency’ (Micheaud and Feinstein)is essential to avoid cancer.

Avoiding all carcinogens in the environment is important to keeping cancer at bay when you are genetically disposed to having an uprising in your body.

Other ways to keep your immune system a boost according to preventions fighting disease is by getting some exercise, laughing, sleeping and staying away from smoking and sunlight.

Taking vitamins a, b, c, d, and zinc need to become part of everyday living.. The trick is that even chemo won’t work after doing it once, you have to keep trying different things. There are all kinds of alternatives that can be used in combination with biomedicine or alone.

By reducing all health issue’s to just two culprit’s, we can simplify treatments. There are living things like parasites and toxins that hamper our body’s ability to fight deterioration. Dr. Clark has many case studies that cure all dis-ease. She has discovered a way to build an electronic pulse that zaps parasites within minuets or through a series of cleanses she has found a way to kill them within weeks.  She claims that cancer is a parasite called fluke dis-ease. If you kill the parasite than you kill the cancer.(331,Clark)

fasciopsis buskii is a flat worm in the intestines, usually living a quiet life, the eggs should pass with the bowls. Evolution states that the human carrier will allow fluke to live longer as long as the human stays alive.

What happens if the flukes egg’s are not able to pass through the intestines and hatch? Than it starts to travel around the body, laying egg’s in the breast and then the breast’s inability to kill the fluke leads to the imbalance of cancer cells. As long as the there is a abnormal solvent like isopropyl alcohol in our everyday products; ‘Bottled water, decaffeinated caffeine, white sugar, carbonated beverages, fruit juices, hair stuff, skin stuff, sprays and hand sanitizers,’(335, Clark) the fluke will thrive.

Clark also goes on to state that carcinogens once thought to cause cancer are actually agents in showing cancer where to develop. Cigarettes will cause the lungs to weaken and cancer to develop there. Nickel will lead the flukes to the pancreases.

Top carcinogens would include; ‘Freon, Copper, fiberglass or asbestos, mercury as in tooth fillings, lead, formaldehyde and nickel.’(337, Clark)

There is a mold that grows on food that also decreases the bodies ability to detoxify alcohol in our body, so she suggest that we use powdered vitamins c on all of our foods to boost that ability. Then follow her parasite cleanse.

I had my own  personal case study with the parasite cleanse. Due to my acl injury, actually there was a bunch of injury in my knee when I broke that ligament. Much of the muscles pulled and sprained around the knee. What dr. Clark explains is that through injury and over usage of a area toxins and fluke accumulation will build up around that area in the form of kidney stones, heal spurs, muscle knots, lumps. I ended up with a very painful heal spur that lasted until a few days after I started this cleanse. Three ingredients; clove, wormwood and black walnut.  Check on her website for the full listing of cleanses, ingredients and schedule.

What ever you do keep researching and never give up. Lead as much of a wholesome life as you can and eat very minimal processed foods and sugar… You can and will overcome.

water color washes over me/2012/ soul love saga

I found my mouth salivating

as the kids

meddled their fingers in

water colors

color washes on thick paper

my mind reaches into the empty dark

chasm of possibilities

when I open my eyes desires melt

as the to do

lists mount

high with expectations

mountains of laundry

lay awaiting

sprawled out in the colorful horizon

a landscape in need of vacuuming


kids echoing wants as

my mouth dries in arid anticipation

of the mayan end of the world

fear of stagnation and unchanged environment

rises above

with the hope of a new world

with collective consciousness


* white lilly/ 36/soul love saga

ch 5 I sipped my tincture

 under the light of a full moon

surrounded by a rainbow

white lilly

collected from a journey up north

where I had to row

my boat through

the thick bog following the moose trails

a mermaid goddess of the Pearl

in the lakes of Ebomee

watched as we

gathered her rhizomes

in the sitting summer sun

A journey unlike any other

 I traveled, boated and collected

cleaned + cut

poured + stirred

=all for the love of the Journey

 all for the intention of healing

health and herbals

Bilateral divercity between the two

contradictions in healing and health

when one needs biomedicine

and has learned the ways of the world

the ultimate timing of holistic care in prolonging life

gratitude laced with fortitude

the courage in pain and diversity

courage in pain

brought by the insignificant words

of over educated  doctors

when time tested flowers

cause no reason for harm

alternative ways of healing

the aubundance measured by generations

utilizing the benifits brought by


and walking one within the laws of

the universe

leaving no footprints  to trip over

composting waste

not only to gain nutritious soil

endearing large quantities of

microbioligy thriving in waste

The core of indecision

and inactive participation

in natures laws has had

its lasting effects on treason

there has to be a balance of reason

bilateral meanings between two

schools of being

between to being

a conversation