Category Archives: mother earth

There’s an epidemic out there!

There is an epidemic of epic proportions out there. It’s t’s complying with the order of cease and is still successful at killing if it doesn’t kill the host it shreds them of their dignity and dreams. Holding their life hostage terrorizing families. 
I wish I had some great holistic advice. But I don’t other than wake up and stop fucking doing highly processed shot that’s killing you. ( I was going to put in the name of the drug but really any processed shit will kill you) 

I am sick of unnecessary death and dying and not being able to do anything to help except pick up the pieces. Today I feel so tired. I just want everyone to do the right thing for themselves, their families and their community.look at the big picture envision the future and choose life

    Sacred Holistic Arts*~balancing and winter works


    Is finding normalcy in this life even possible? We have all have our preconceived notions of what normal is supposed to be like, but is living it actually what we want? I told my daughter last night that I would love it if she could be happy all the time but that isn’t always possible. Sometimes we have to take life by the moments.  Sometimes you have to just find one thing beautiful and focus on that for awhile and realize that moment is beautiful and eventually they add up.

    Sure I would love a house, a husband/wife I could be faithful too a great job and a group of friends I go out with on one scheduled visit a month. Sadly not my life right now and I would have to give up my summer touring around for one or more of the normal things and I am not ready to grow up that much yet. Stability is not over rated and yet I am not ready to settle for just any house or job that might take me away from my art. The key is balance.

    Striving for amazingness is great but not if it makes you go crazy!  A little each day just do a little something and eventually it will add up! I am amazed as I begin to publicly share my stuff just how much I do make and as you get to know me and my life it’s a lot of chaos but I make things happen pushing through obstacles.

    Patina time this picture right here is of the two arbiters that I made for the mobile’s and now I am oxidizing them so they are that beautiful turquoise color. I have been holding my breath for A few days during this process hoping it doesn’t destroy the work and enhances it nicely!!!!!!! For the know how check out my online course~ a holistic approach to creativity

    Here is the piece before I started I added some more stuff to it. My niece came in and says”aunty M why you hang my dream catcher up there silly that’s mine” she is three. so we made it uniquely hers. Music by one of my favourites bands Lucid.

    I made some one of a kind you just bought something amazing so I made you a really cool bag that your gonna want to keep:)

    Nutrition health and healing

    I really have a hard time in the winter. It is def not my fav. season! when it comes to maple season I get so excited! My family started tapping tree’s last year and I am hooked! It is hard work but when it boils and I grab a cup of tea or cocoa with boiling sap water that is our reward!  Sweet rose tea and sap water.

    Bring it on! Here is my weight loss super shake.

    2 scoops of protein powder of your choice

    1 cup of Keifer

    I table spoon of spiralina

    1 tblsp of Hemp powder.
      I could eat a head of cabbage all by my self.

    mix with olive oil and nutritional yeast and roast

     New stuff in the collection for sale

     Here is a pic of the unity scarf I knit… $110 this can wrap around my neck three times

    White Lilly crown shown here by princess Lailah can be found on my etsy . She came to sleep over and wanted to play dress up!!!! Lots of princess dresses later.. I love this girl!

      New head piece unicrystal $45  
    Can find this heady piece on etsy too.

    These I haven’t listed so if you have interested pm me   

      Homeschool moments in timekids making cookies with sap boiling in the   Background .. Below is our field trip to shelburne falls pot holes

     MCrowningshield @giaimagik View my profile page twitter


    Amazon you can find my two books… Soul love saga and Quantum Spirituality

    Sacred holistic arts~*survival

      This is the word that keeps playing through my head this morning as I attempt to figure out the best way to go about doing it in the up coming months before festival season. 

    Survival is more than just trying to live in this world or being successful or even healthy how about being happy? Let others figure out their own source of contentment so you can work on yours. Yes parents I am talking to you too. Especially those parents of teens. Tomorrow I am sending my 15 year old across the United States from ma to California at his request. You never know what the right answer for someone else is so I am respecting his decision and hoping that he can heal whatever wounds he has endured and make a happy well adjusted life for himself under his fathers guidance  .point being we all have dis-ease and disorders name it, claim it and find a way to get over it. That’s more than surviving that’s living the life you love 


    There is a vague emptiness

    That surrounds my chaos

    Surrealism that is misguided

    As this life lived in reverence

    Cast mundane aside

    For a moon dance 

    Saturating our cells

    In starlight from where we came filling that void

    To help us endure reality

    Suggestions that marginalized 

    The magnitude of being

    A better human spirit.

    Dancing in the dirt of reality

    Gleaning lessons of a souls journey.

    I push through obstacles

    Giving back what’s not mine

    Letting others be responsible for their own happiness and substandard choices

    In their existence

    Looking for a lifetime 

    Beyond these fleeting moments of love to share mind body and soul 

    Trashy existence 

    Music for this topic ( scale down and synchronicity by rising Appalachian )

    In one week I have quite the accomplishment!!!! One small bag of trash for four people! The rest is recycled and composted. We compost every thing paper, food pottery.  What can you do to keep your elimination to a small one bag in the land fill a week or even less? I reuse all the bags I can to pack snacks, make art and buy stuff with less packaging. It is hard with kids tho. If you can beat me and my Bag I am working on 9 days I’ll send you a piece of original art …. Send me proof a picture and your address…🤔🤗👏🏿🙌🏻👌🏼🗑we can save our world one space at a time. 

    Art rampages


    My hands are always busy. This week I continued working on my mobile. Well it’s not meant for me! I did use some recycled copper I came across at the dump!! Whenever I can I do. I use to buy copper from the recycling center but OSHA  had to go and make some law that says I can’t buy it from there!!! Anyways I had this idea that I needed to add one more piece to complete it and hung it. My son timeless and I went out to work on the teepee and have a fire and I came across this half wrapped gorgeous crystal that had been abandoned in the yard by a kid and time found a piece of telascope glass it was the perfect. Size for a combo! Now the double mobile is done. $250 total. After years of making this stuff I do know that some people can’t afford the whole price and want to buy just a piece of amazingness so each of the dangles is for sale too. I’ll have to figure out a way for me to list it on etsy! But I do hope it all sells as one piece since it is a divinely guided rustic eye candy that can’t be rushed process.   

     Adult coloring book 

    Im going to sell some art for a coloring book probably with poetry too I haven’t decided what the best way to publish it will be but I wan sharing some pics of the art you ( my readers) are welcome to download and color! Ha arn’t you glad you clicked on my link today;) 

        Magic cloak is still in the making inch by inch row by row I’m gonna make this lavender cape glow. I hope that it will become luminous in the black light making pics pop we shall see. 


    I have to admit I am broke so with two baby showers coming up I crotched some hats. I hope they love them soft and fuzzy. I can’t follow a pattern but I can crotchet almost anything to shape. 


     that’s about it for now thanks for reading . Behind me is the beautiful anja art work. You can find her under Jenna odhner



    So doing this newsletter from my phone or old computer is a whole days process. It takes a a whole day to upload and it still isn’t up loaded!!! Lol.

    Check out  more  on sacred holistic arts on etsy, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and how too do any thing on my online class sacredholisticarts/coursesites/a holistic approach to creativity

    Love and light in all your creations

    magik made in meals and love/ 38/ soul love saga

    Our river runs through it.

    Radio active pollutions.

    on the banks green edge

    The compression on my chest

    Is as constant as my pulse to live

    My heart is suffocating

    To its on  beat

    As loneliness settles in

    A fixture that turns on and off at will

    Leaking out pheromones

    Unable to be kept

    Bottled tight

    Stranger than these moments

    Passing are the simple reflections

    Of what life could be

    With each quick glance

    Shut off valves with conversations

    Prime year void of the

    Connection between partners

    Or desires between lovers

    Trace elements of complex

    Relationships when eyes meet

    Or a hand touches another

    Unspoken words

    Magic made in love and meals

    Upheaval and dismay

    I clean to be strong pushing

    Through attitudes and misconceptions

    And never ending battles

    Of obstacles that are life

    Just so I  can feel the sun

    Warm my skin

    for our benefit/ 37/soul love saga

    Add new spasmodic affiliations

    afflicted with past revenue

    past grief

    and wrong doings to my body

    to my body wrong doings were done

    done and disabled are the wrongs

    of human kind done by mankind

    the human body was meant to nourish the divine earth

    saturate her with our blood

    composed with belief

    as we tended fields our most sacred

    moon cycles fell from our wombs

    un-pregnated to the earth we worked

    as drops landed in plants we cared for

    modifying the earth we walked among creatures

    as we were once one

    plasmas and secretions

    fell from our bodies to the hungry earth

    needing replenishing from sustaining us

    now hungry the fields are

    from being over processed

    to many years of not being cared for

    over utilized we have lost touch with


    our purpose of completions

    of mass populating matrix style

    designating chemical warfare

    on our own environments

    cancers rise

    neurological disorders

    plague the earth like never before

    as the quality of the food

    we bring to the table declines

    the master of materials

    master of rules

    master of the public welfare system

    should make compost mandatory

    recycling  obligatory laws

    make community gardens necessary

    food stamps and poor farm work

    that begins our rise out of the oppressive system

    that has held us down and under

    work for our food work for our benefit

    rise above the system to be the system

    that stabilizes and provides our own needs

    in ways that nurture our souls

    providing the child care we need

    legalize the plants that ban the pills

    universal health care not sick care

    capture the rights of the people

    to be safe from gang wars of our generations

    our generations that have fought for fuel

    the only biomass that is sustainable is hemp

    and bio fuel in this counter culture

    mushrooms  that are magic to counter balance the toxins


    fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster

    nuke fuels that are pouring thousands of gallons of toxic waste

    into our oceans are already having detrimental effects on the earths creatures

    un-repeatable problems that will last for thousands of years

    along with the oil spills  that would have been cleaned with tossed grass

    and chem trails that keep flying

    spitting and sputtering controlling our weather through destroying

    our atmosphere

    where are we going?

    such simple creatures causing such harm

    who is to start doing the right thing

    who will go down in history

    governing laws that protect and serve

    us and the earth

    who’s to be accountable?

    where are we really going with all this?

    all this/38/soul love saga

    English: Nations with Universal health care sy...
    English: Nations with Universal health care systems. Nations with some type of universal health care system. Nations attempting to obtain universal health care. Health care coverage provided by the United States war funding. Nations with no universal health care. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)





    English: Localisation of towns NW of Fukushila...
    English: Localisation of towns NW of Fukushila Daiichii whose evacuation has been decided on April 11th, 2011 Français : Situation des localités au nord-ouest de Fukushima-Daiichi dont l’évacuation a été ordonnée le 11 avril 2011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


    English: 7 chakras inside human body. 2 chakra...
    English: 7 chakras inside human body. 2 chakras outside. Brain. Earth and Moon (on scale) polar diameters 7920 and 2160 Mile (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


    English: A picture of compost soil
    English: A picture of compost soil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)





    add new spasmodic affiliations




    afflicted with past revenue




    past grief




    and wrong doings to my body




    to my body wrong doings were done




    done and disabled are the wrongs




    of human kind done by mankind




    the human body was meant to nourish the divine earth




    saturate her with our blood




    composted with belief




    as we tended fields our most sacred




    moon cycles fell from our wombs




    un-pregnated to the earth we worked




    as drops landed in plants we cared for




    modifying the earth we walked among creatures




    as we were once one




    plasmas and secretions




    fell from our bodies to the hungry earth




    needing replenishing from sustaining us




    now hungry the fields are




    from being over processed




    to many years of not being cared for




    over utilized we have lost touch with








    our purpose of completions




    of mass populating matrix style




    designating chemical warfare


    on our own environments




    cancers rise




    neurological disorders


    plague the earth like never before


    as the quality of the food


    we bring to the table declines




    the master of materials




    master of rules




    master of the public welfare system




    should make compost mandatory




    recycling  obligatory laws




    make community gardens necessary




    food stamps and poor farm work




    that begins our rise out of the oppressive system




    that has held us down and under




    work for our food work for our benefit


    rise above the system to be the system


    that stabilizes and provides our own needs


    in ways that nurture our souls




    providing the child care we need




    legalize the plants that ban the pills




    universal health care not sick care




    capture the rights of the people




    to be safe from gang wars of our generations




    our generations that have fought for fuel




    the only biomass that is sustainable is hemp




    and bio fuel in this counter culture


    mushrooms  that are magic to counter balance the toxins








    Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster




    nuke fuels that are pouring thousands of gallons of toxic waste




    into our oceans are already having detrimental effects on the earths creatures




    unrepeatable problems that will last for thousands of years




    along with the oil spills  that would have been cleaned with tossed grass




    and chem trails that keep flying




    spitting and sputtering controlling our weather through destroying




    our atmosphere




    where are we going?




    such simple creatures causing such harm


    who is to start doing the right thing


    who will go down in history


    governing laws that protect and serve


    us and the earth



    who’s to be accountable?


    where are we really going with all this?













    rise up/37/soul love saga

    United States Capitol
    United States Capitol (Photo credit: Jack in DC)
    English: Kids at shore
    English: Kids at shore (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    Old Growth Forest
    Old Growth Forest (Photo credit: wackybadger)
    The Earth flag is not an official flag, since ...
    The Earth flag is not an official flag, since there is no official governing body over Earth. The flag holds a photo transfer of a NASA image of the Earth on a dark blue background. It has been associated with Earth Day. Although the flag was originally copyrighted, a judge ruled that the copyright was invalid. Earth Flag Ltd. v. Alamo Flag Co., 154 F. Supp. 2d 663 (S.D.N.Y. 2001) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    The government is shutting down


    down goes the poor

    down goes social security


    fuel assistance

    to keep us warm

    Down goes housing to keep us going

    down goes me

    working full time

    getting paid by the secretary of state

    I can’t afford to live with out supplements

    3 kids + 3 foster kids

    it is my choice to choose life

    yet we are free falling out in the abyss

    my mind is spinning out of control

    national parks losing millions a day

    congress is still getting paid

    war is still a priority

    as millions die without a cause

    without a reason except treason

    and bush era figures

    while disabilities supersede because of

    the environmental toxins thrown at us by


    a failed sick care system

    disguised as health care

    should be universal care

    so the government will have a reason to

    take a stand against corporations

    for damaging the populations

    take a stand against

    toxic waste dumps and chem trails

    that leave our land and air polluted

    killing our soil and saddening our souls

    leaving fracking choices to men  far removed

    from devotional land unbearable for even recreation

    useless and devoid of life

    take a stand against using the public

    for pawns

    cutting down old growth forest

    and starting fires

    clear cutting mountains  and lands

    using up all the resources

    with no implication

    for future generations

    someone will be held accountable

    the fight to be right

    between republicans and dems

    wont matter when all is destroyed

    who spent the money when

    wasteland supersedes united states

    apocalypse is sure to arise

    slowly as fracking greedy ignorance


    unless we can pave the way

    mandatory recycling

    for future generations

    through environmentally friendly reasons

    and decisions

    through composting and rebuilding

    from the ground up

    stoping the war for oil and gas

    creating solutions for long term health care

    raise the prohibition on green economy

    green flowers

    for energy, biomass, materials, and medical

    raise the awareness

    raise the earth up

    we are all interconnected

    to our ancestors and

    future generations

    rise up and take a stand

    for old growth

    and the human rights

    and education


    tide pools and ecosystems/37/soul love saga

    among the tide pools

    and puddles alike

    are ecosystems

    that thrive

    like the memories in the mind

    twisted roots growing

    and escaping finding

    holes to grow through

    their obstacles reaching towards the sun

    reaching towards heaven

    the deepest recess of the mind are covered with vines

    by the conscious being

    we’ve become adaptively to natural forces guided by intuition

    and experience

    moving towards


    though we may heal crooked

    with understand and shallow in depth

    and puddlesfall and winter of 2011-2012 055 fall and winter of 2011-2012 056 fall and winter of 2011-2012 057 fall and winter of 2011-2012 058 fall and winter of 2011-2012 059 fall and winter of 2011-2012 060 fall and winter of 2011-2012 062 fall and winter of 2011-2012 063 fall and winter of 2011-2012 064 fall and winter of 2011-2012 065 fall and winter of 2011-2012 066 fall and winter of 2011-2012 068 fall and winter of 2011-2012 071

    monumental freedom





    in the ability to travel

    and make choices

    between life + love


    My sky blue tidings

    caged unearthed


    unexplored building

    a slow + steady love

    learning patience

    gives way to freedom

    I wander

    amid clarity + confusion

    I regain my composure

    amongst paper trails

    + reality

    I maintain my off grid

    membership my presence



    stands in the mountains

    tall and proud

    in the rivers

    cold + clean

    gleaning rocks

    pottery+ life

    in the ocean

    pure + wild

    If ind my gifts

    I find my currency

    my wampum shells

    to carry me through this


    of a new + better life

    carry on/25/soul love saga

    travel enough

    to carry on

    tears it apart through the darkness

    Burrowing Owl, Gentry Road, Near Niland, Calif...
    Burrowing Owl, Gentry Road, Near Niland, California (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    I will rain through out the lands of the world

    even the territory unexplored


    I want freedom with no worry

    sweet justice

    help me now


    A whole universe complete

    all open space

    there is never nothing

    there is always something

    how real is natures fate

    can destruction be cured

    by so something so small

    that tears it apart