Category Archives: earth

Authentic life

Why do people thrive on the anger red hot boiling the blood rushes to your face and calls your adrenaline to come play ?
they live for drama .
make messes of lives trying to eradicate any good feelings so the only thing that can coexist is us against them .
but it’s not us against them it’s we in the world.
 nothings going to get better unless we stand as a divided front.
Against those who seek to destroy our nature.
I don’t get offended by how many people don’t read my work when I see what it is they do pay attention too.
so I have a heartfelt thanks to those who take their moments to get lost my work 

and my world 

my heart 

because it’s everything I am and everything i stand for and you have to stand for something 

or like the rest you’re going to fall for everything 
you’ll be like the cattle told which way to go and how to get there .

where not to go and where to stand when to sleep went to breath.
That’s not us. 

It’s not who we are.

Natural born renegades fending of the throws of addictions to technology, drugs, drama,processed shit.
We are the strong searching out an original authentic life. 

Trying to find our place here and redefine our place on the timeline 

Crystallized intentions 

Green hills the space in between is vital but is open across the landscape
I capture whAt i can but there is so much left out of a photograph

Vital life energies and auras 

Escape me in the world

As i am only a conduit trying to capture the moment

Nature is my muse

Like the delicate petals of the flowers or the twisting 

The crystalized look of dew on jewel weed reflecting fragments of the world around it

Way up north

Way up north in the Massachusetts woods where the maple syrup flows and the dandelions grow first of spring awakens everything

Way up north in the woods we are Brewers of the dankest beer baby honey real tasty mead is even sweeter. 

The green river flows through the veins of crystal ledges

Way up north where the apples trees grow the hardest cider flows you’ll find me chasing monarchs through the milkweed fields or tearing bittersweet from struggling trees

Sacred Holistic Arts*~balancing and winter works


Is finding normalcy in this life even possible? We have all have our preconceived notions of what normal is supposed to be like, but is living it actually what we want? I told my daughter last night that I would love it if she could be happy all the time but that isn’t always possible. Sometimes we have to take life by the moments.  Sometimes you have to just find one thing beautiful and focus on that for awhile and realize that moment is beautiful and eventually they add up.

Sure I would love a house, a husband/wife I could be faithful too a great job and a group of friends I go out with on one scheduled visit a month. Sadly not my life right now and I would have to give up my summer touring around for one or more of the normal things and I am not ready to grow up that much yet. Stability is not over rated and yet I am not ready to settle for just any house or job that might take me away from my art. The key is balance.

Striving for amazingness is great but not if it makes you go crazy!  A little each day just do a little something and eventually it will add up! I am amazed as I begin to publicly share my stuff just how much I do make and as you get to know me and my life it’s a lot of chaos but I make things happen pushing through obstacles.

Patina time this picture right here is of the two arbiters that I made for the mobile’s and now I am oxidizing them so they are that beautiful turquoise color. I have been holding my breath for A few days during this process hoping it doesn’t destroy the work and enhances it nicely!!!!!!! For the know how check out my online course~ a holistic approach to creativity

Here is the piece before I started I added some more stuff to it. My niece came in and says”aunty M why you hang my dream catcher up there silly that’s mine” she is three. so we made it uniquely hers. Music by one of my favourites bands Lucid.

I made some one of a kind you just bought something amazing so I made you a really cool bag that your gonna want to keep:)

Nutrition health and healing

I really have a hard time in the winter. It is def not my fav. season! when it comes to maple season I get so excited! My family started tapping tree’s last year and I am hooked! It is hard work but when it boils and I grab a cup of tea or cocoa with boiling sap water that is our reward!  Sweet rose tea and sap water.

Bring it on! Here is my weight loss super shake.

2 scoops of protein powder of your choice

1 cup of Keifer

I table spoon of spiralina

1 tblsp of Hemp powder.
  I could eat a head of cabbage all by my self.

mix with olive oil and nutritional yeast and roast

 New stuff in the collection for sale

 Here is a pic of the unity scarf I knit… $110 this can wrap around my neck three times

White Lilly crown shown here by princess Lailah can be found on my etsy . She came to sleep over and wanted to play dress up!!!! Lots of princess dresses later.. I love this girl!

  New head piece unicrystal $45  
Can find this heady piece on etsy too.

These I haven’t listed so if you have interested pm me   

  Homeschool moments in timekids making cookies with sap boiling in the   Background .. Below is our field trip to shelburne falls pot holes

 MCrowningshield @giaimagik View my profile page twitter


Amazon you can find my two books… Soul love saga and Quantum Spirituality

Finding your way ~Sacred holistic arts

 If you are reading this you are on your way to the sacred. We are all searching to better our lives one moment at a time.

Luminous Meditating   $60
We are a nation that looks forward to the future and lives in the past. Though I do believe that if you want to progress it’s best to learn from your past and have an idea on where you want to go in the future. The focus should be in the here and now. You really can’t live in any other time than the now. Now is just where you were meant to be. E Tolle wrote a phenomenal book here and now and it teaches us that nothing exists but the here and now.

New England is the only place where you can have all seasons happening in one week. Two snow days and one weekend really help me to focus on my work, my calling, my art. Snow bound moments in time keep me creating on full alert. Scrambling to make money and pay bills while staying true to who I am is a balance I enjoy.

$150 This is the desert dweller dreams

   This guy right here is laced with many dreams and the wire is pencil thick

I’m in the middle of applying for a HUGE grant through a company called Artplace. If you have big idea’s on art centered things in your community I suggest looking it up. If I were to get this it could make my dreams come true and bring an art Mecca to this valley. When I went to the seminar it was all about ‘ What would you do if you had unlimited resources to make your dreams come true?’ Sooo what would you do?


Earth warrior clarity

garbage faries
garbage fairies

Im a spirtual gangsta

Watching  video’s online

cuz they don’t play them on mtv anymore …

I see a mass consumerism

of materialism

brought about through

the cultural use

of non recyclable plastic…….

spending all your time and money

partying away your life within shallow degree’s….

I party with pride and dignity

of a higher vibration

of people

Inspiring the greater good from everyone…

Gleaning natures way.

Sure I played

tho I smarten up

an awaking I am proud of ……

More than how much?

How fast ?

How callous I can be?

How much can I use? IMG_4878

I glean nature rather than stores..

Within a gallant effort of mass consciousness

a whole society can be raised

to care as opposed to destroying the world. …

Watching the mind bending actions of popular cultures

mainstream makes me scream!!!

The colours un natural and fake with high maintenance.

I am part of mother natures army

mother natures army~ Sarah Peck
mother natures army~ Sarah Peck

an earth warrior

to end the world of decay!

I am part of the solution

not the problem with every step I take part….

Big thanks to the garbage faries

that grace the way

cleaning up the world making it a better day…. IMG_4876

Working on this spiritual evolution

sacred holistic arts

symbols of clarity

stop bitching

start a revolution…

Julia Hill Butterfly and Mark from vt. wilderness School..


I went to see Julia Hill Butterfly In my hometown in Ma. She was speaking with another man Mark Moresy from the Vermont Wilderness school .

The last time I saw her I was sooo pregnant in Santa Cruz California. She had just touched her feet to the ground and was working on a book signing in the bookstore. She had lived in a redwood tree for 208 days to save the tree Luna and to enlighten the world about the decline of our ancient redwoods.. I waited until she was done reading in this standing room only store. Waited for the masses to talk and hug her… Those moments when you get to touch, talk or hug someone who has had such a profound effect on not only me but so many is priceless.

I had worked at a fundraiser and really got to know what was going on months earlier before I found out I was pregnant. I rolled veggie sushi all night long rocking and rolling in the town hall. She was in the last leg of her journey. I was still skinny and nimble talking to some activists about what it would take to do a tree stand. I had even made a plan to go talk to someone higher up that made decisions until I felt that flutter in my belly and saw a reflection of someone I didn’t recognize.

I knew I was pregnant the moment it happened… I had just gotten to Califoria and staked my tent in the redwoods I had been fighting with Josh except that one night. The Harvest moon was in full glory and the ritual was sacred enough for conception. I spent my pregnancy tucked away in the redwoods, first in a tent, than a shack and then in a trailer until I could fit no more. This is not my story though this is about her…

Last night I went to see her fourteen years later. She was gorgeous her aura shined beyond her words . I got a moment to speak with her before the “talk” Just for a few minuets.. I sat down next to her. I don’t know what I was thinking,,, I was so impressed with how she completely tuned into me and asked my mission.

She asked me what inspired me? Here is this international best selling author  (Saving Luna) asking me these loaded questions. I had already planned on inviting her to participate in the online life class I am teaching. Not that her answer would ever have any effect on how much I admire her! More of a curiosity than anything because she embodies everything that I stand for and everything that I want to teach and learn (and be)… Not only that but she is my hero!!!!!!!

I  handed her my book (Quantum spirituality) and gave her my info hugging and thanking her for all she has done. The gift is just that A gift because she has shared so much with everyone of herself.

I can’t believe the transformation in her!  She was always beautiful but this was beyond. She didn’t have to wear any makeup to hide her face. Saying she had filled out or grown incrediably sexy just sounds wrong and disgraceful. She was taller, wiser and more of a goddess than I remember . She  has completed her metamorphosis into a butterfly inspiring all those around her with her message and buety.

Mark and her spoke of social justice, they told their stories of their lives. What led them into activism what kept them motivated through everything.. The room was full of a 180 people. It is so hard to be around people with such amazing dedication to social justice and not be inspired to do something. I was always into doing the right thing. Sometimes you don’t know until someone sparks that fire within you

Living in Santa Cruz with Momma Sage and Mamma Sativa learning about holistic health and eating vegitarian and organic was a blessing for me. They changed the way I looked at food, it wasn’t just a commodity  and healthy wasn’t just what I was eating. Everything Mamma Sativa ate was organic everything she bought with intention and full of nutrients… Super foods…. I think maybe had I not met Julia when I did I could have easily went back to the life I had lived before half on the edge of insanity and chaos. I didn’t… I had more of a reason to pursue my injustices and more of a reason to apply dedication to the earth. I feel blessed for the people to come into my life when they have their is a time and a purpose for everything.

After the show my kids and I talked to her once more and discovered a new book  “Becoming”  I couldn’t put it down. She is an incrediable artist and poet.  Speaking from the heart and soul and truly connected to the divine. I am so grateful for this time that my family has been able to spend in her presence….



magik made in meals and love/ 38/ soul love saga

Our river runs through it.

Radio active pollutions.

on the banks green edge

The compression on my chest

Is as constant as my pulse to live

My heart is suffocating

To its on  beat

As loneliness settles in

A fixture that turns on and off at will

Leaking out pheromones

Unable to be kept

Bottled tight

Stranger than these moments

Passing are the simple reflections

Of what life could be

With each quick glance

Shut off valves with conversations

Prime year void of the

Connection between partners

Or desires between lovers

Trace elements of complex

Relationships when eyes meet

Or a hand touches another

Unspoken words

Magic made in love and meals

Upheaval and dismay

I clean to be strong pushing

Through attitudes and misconceptions

And never ending battles

Of obstacles that are life

Just so I  can feel the sun

Warm my skin

Bilateral divercity between the two

contradictions in healing and health

when one needs biomedicine

and has learned the ways of the world

the ultimate timing of holistic care in prolonging life

gratitude laced with fortitude

the courage in pain and diversity

courage in pain

brought by the insignificant words

of over educated  doctors

when time tested flowers

cause no reason for harm

alternative ways of healing

the aubundance measured by generations

utilizing the benifits brought by


and walking one within the laws of

the universe

leaving no footprints  to trip over

composting waste

not only to gain nutritious soil

endearing large quantities of

microbioligy thriving in waste

The core of indecision

and inactive participation

in natures laws has had

its lasting effects on treason

there has to be a balance of reason

bilateral meanings between two

schools of being

between to being

a conversation

for our benefit/ 37/soul love saga

Add new spasmodic affiliations

afflicted with past revenue

past grief

and wrong doings to my body

to my body wrong doings were done

done and disabled are the wrongs

of human kind done by mankind

the human body was meant to nourish the divine earth

saturate her with our blood

composed with belief

as we tended fields our most sacred

moon cycles fell from our wombs

un-pregnated to the earth we worked

as drops landed in plants we cared for

modifying the earth we walked among creatures

as we were once one

plasmas and secretions

fell from our bodies to the hungry earth

needing replenishing from sustaining us

now hungry the fields are

from being over processed

to many years of not being cared for

over utilized we have lost touch with


our purpose of completions

of mass populating matrix style

designating chemical warfare

on our own environments

cancers rise

neurological disorders

plague the earth like never before

as the quality of the food

we bring to the table declines

the master of materials

master of rules

master of the public welfare system

should make compost mandatory

recycling  obligatory laws

make community gardens necessary

food stamps and poor farm work

that begins our rise out of the oppressive system

that has held us down and under

work for our food work for our benefit

rise above the system to be the system

that stabilizes and provides our own needs

in ways that nurture our souls

providing the child care we need

legalize the plants that ban the pills

universal health care not sick care

capture the rights of the people

to be safe from gang wars of our generations

our generations that have fought for fuel

the only biomass that is sustainable is hemp

and bio fuel in this counter culture

mushrooms  that are magic to counter balance the toxins


fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster

nuke fuels that are pouring thousands of gallons of toxic waste

into our oceans are already having detrimental effects on the earths creatures

un-repeatable problems that will last for thousands of years

along with the oil spills  that would have been cleaned with tossed grass

and chem trails that keep flying

spitting and sputtering controlling our weather through destroying

our atmosphere

where are we going?

such simple creatures causing such harm

who is to start doing the right thing

who will go down in history

governing laws that protect and serve

us and the earth

who’s to be accountable?

where are we really going with all this?