edges of my soul/ soul love saga/ 38

fall and winter of 2011-2012 248

up and away goes my soul

drifting endlessly

marching on beyond my means

echoing lonely beats to the stars

tearing at the seams of the atmosphere

ready for a new plight

against all odds

single and sinning

I have to find my soul

lost in freedom

surrender to the knowing

of flight

the feeling of freedom

I m not there yet

gotta grow roots

to hold on

sew the edges of soul to my

patchwork quilt so I don’t loose it again

carry it with me as I travel

cozy as I sleep

won’t dream again without it

spring 2013 077

moments of truth/38/soul love saga

random regal justifications

for ethereal seeming spring 2013 110

moments of truth that crush the heart

a smile, a touch an extra word

that really reminds you are alone on this journey

that the one crush is not yours to dream of

even though all the fireworks were there before.

never mind the load you carry is to heavy to do it alone

and too much to ask of anyone

and not just to anyone you ask

strength in character and a willingness to accept and grow

dedication to life and family with a calming demeanor

ethereal moments revived as friendships are reaffirmed

and followed, nurtured and thrive

under the most hostile of human conditions

through moments of listening and

intriguing considerations

the movement that one shares time

or responsibility

lifts a finger and helps

ease the burdens that you have seen carrying alone

for so long

so long I know what that is like

only to be discovered moments too late

being human unable to communicate




bath ritual/soul love saga

one by one the candles are lit

the flickering flame

behind the poetry

the smoke burning

as I give thanks

for the symbiotic connection my body has with my soul

that saturates the symbiosis

between us and the universe and the ground below us

I draw from the elements

around a ritual of 

thankfulness in life 

I hold space for those that have passed before me

I bath in chamomile and lavender 

the smell tantalizes me tongue

as does my tea

I anoint my bath with oil

and pour salt to purify me and

cleanse my body and soul