Category Archives: intuitive healing

Hello from the other side

It’s Monday morning 

I love to hibrinate in the winter and create and cleanse. I have had busy hands but when I am stuck I clean until I get my next project in mind. The art I create is sacred and I treat it so…  I started working on another magic cape on satin lavender. 

Six hours into this piece I spilled lavender tea on it. I picked it up with this wet bubble paint augh!!! 

We will make it work for us. Sometimes a great piece is about pushing through an obstacle and finding a way to make it work. This case I sprinkled gold sparkles. It is a magic cape.

Here is some of the goods I made here is the scarf I made for a custom order. I love when pieces are meant to be as this one that finished with just a little yarn left!!🙏🏼⭐️🌈

 Another custom order I sent off was this dream catcher talisman 

 She asked for a garnet so I had apiece I had to carve out of the matrix sanded and oiled with love it’s on it’s way home now in Pennsylvania 😉

Here are scenes from home 


Full moon 🌟🌝🎆

  • We had a beautiful full moon. I love pulling my bed right under my window to sleep and take a moon bath.
  • Simplifying and cleaning are part of my creativity ritual.  Whenever I am stuck or uninspired this is what I do. Cleaning with intention sets your mind free to create
  • On a full moon I gather my rocks into a big glass jar full of water and set it outside under the light of the full moon. Moon dance water     
  • When I make my cleaning mix I add a dash of moon dance water that has been energized by the moon then I add a handful of sea salt and a cleaner like pinesol which is just soap and essential oil. Now the salt is a purifying element. When it dries the salt will crystallize with your moon dance waTer everywhere you clean. Many traditions use salt to purify and cleanse body and soul before a ritual.

I am sitting here with the homeschooling family while my little man is coloring by numbers. Last week we worked on astrology.  
 and here are Halle’s comets and the sun and solar system. This weekend they discovered a new planet!!!! Right outside of Neptunes orbit! You should have seen his face as he recognized the words we have worked on😄 

For more holistic offerings check out my online course

Blessings, michelle 

warm down/24/soul love saga/

when the birds caged

she squawks and moans

in rage.

Fury keeps the fire,

keeps her flyin

goin further


Indeed I would rave

travel and tour

gone the game

that kept me from playin



Actions of the day

my minds divides

as names remain.

My memories


hugs full of healing

warm down

to my level.

The magic is still there.

Intuitive healing/ soul love saga/39

IMG_0316 spring 2013 140 native spirit peace pagoda winter2012 169 DSCF2771 winter2012 178

charcoal  and pastel  $100
charcoal and pastel $100
woman in the wind  water colour original  by Michelle $100
woman in the wind
water colour original
by Michelle
watercolor $25
watercolor $25
water coulor and ink $100
east heaven

winter 2013 634 winter 2013 670 winter 2013 659 DSCF2442

I close my eyes

and touch gentally on the spine


breathing in stardust

and the energy from the stars, sun, and moon

a three dimensional matrix rises up

connecting the web of life

interwoven and interconnected

to everything that ever was

and everything that ever will be

i raidiate in abundant healing energy

Deep wthin this life vessel

we are everything that we need

to heal a

vibrating paradox

Life force energies grow with

focused cell regenerations

muscle manipulation

healing the core of care

self love

clearing of chakra’s

time to release all

that serves no purpose


I am on to sacrifice now lover..
be well
live in the light and love
bask in the glory of realness
engage is the theory of life
bask in the stardust

pillars of the community

standing tall

the strength in the infrastructure

of this society in which we stand

I can’t imagine how far we have come from

the natural laws till today
what we do just to make it through the day

these rules we live by

so far from the beguining of humanity

so far from the

spiritual gangsta of the universe

I am now

the way we live

when we’winter2012-174-e1366722299774ve been through hell

grasping what gifts we have

and expanding from our capabilities

engaging the energies

in meditation

to make the right choices

for all



thin vail

IMG_4788the thin vail lifts from my sub concious

and my mood synches with the full moon

silver reflections fall on the earth

as I am given the momentary vision of this

universal conciousness

if only I can be quit enough to listen

to the words whispered on the wind

and echoing in my ears

that ringing clarifies

i find the sacred in the mundane

i meditate as i cleanse

leaving space for abundance


Bone collecting wild woman/ soul love saga/39


I am a bone collector…

Ravishing souls and the likes of them,

savoring the moments between time…

I explore the earth in all her sacredness.

I explore her in all her settled griminess

or manicured manipulations.

Knowing each tree I pass.

I sing to the plants and watch

them dance in the vibration of my song.

I am a wild woman

dancing naked and strong.

I am a wild woman

caught between ravious love

and divine union.

I am a wild woman

running with the wild animals

catching butterflys

spreading seeds on the wind.

Digging in the earth with my bare hands

planting gardens with dirty knees

sipping on the nectar

from a flower in mid day

tasting natures sugar fresh.

I am a wild woman

filling my psyche with healing energy

raising the vibration of humanity,

raising children I have birthed from my womb,

raising the vibration of the communities children.

it takes a village

auric light salvation

Induldge in the raidence of self realization
finding bueaty in every moment
from being in the sun
on top of a mountain
to swimming in the bottom of a stream
collect that raident energy from the
chakra’s and the open portal into the subconscious
through your body and out every cell
collect that raident energy to ground through the roots
of our vital being
we are a conduit in nature we become stronger
more balanced
stop and gather information
elate in the small moments
of evolution
a bee sipping nectar
a flower opening
a child alive
a baby full of refluxes
opening it’s eyes to our world for the first time
gather with like minded soul mates
Dive into the psychy to find understanding
collect symbols of clarity
notions of this other demenision
sing in unison to create a bond
that vibrates in the soul cleansing
past lives sanctions
death diliberations
you are a valuable conduit
for the matrix that our life is based on
close your eyes to see as I heal you
I look into that connection
creating context in the universe for being
I am the one who will enlighten your
body through time and understanding
my touch that brings life into stagnation
my feeling that has brought new vitality
to muscles
opens the pathways for healing
radiating the energy of the
sun, moon, and stars
cleansing the chakra’s
clearing spiritual toxicity
open your mind
to auric light
to salvation through intuitive healing











peace pagoda



sublime manifestations


Can you really be seen for the boundless cells of energy
grid lined with your body, outside of your body
a transmission of all ascension
creation to renagade soul solutions.

We are at the peak of enlightenment
an open door to the universal energies
of the sun, moon, and stars
pure energy guiding us
or reflecting from our bodies by way
of our influx of toxicity
pure energy that sustains us
leaving our reality in sublime manifestations
gathering our soulmates to play
in the great beyond

Transform into
trancendental being of enlightenment
through meditation
Opening the chakra’s through the divine light
allowing light energy to radiate through you
into the earth
a matrix style of healing
Where the higherself integrates
with mind, body and soul
one love
cells regenerate
and agelessness
falls into timelessness
As a guidence overtakes and directs you where to go…