Tag Archives: society

seasonal economics/34/soul love saga

seasonal economics
The sound of night
echoes beyond stillness
I haphazardly fill out applications
in the recession of
my economic depression
seizing up on me again

Sounds of    the tomatoes
saucing their juices
making meals for months to come
Vibrating sounds of the crickets legs
gives me solace that
summer has not been
forgotten, yet
As the first days of
fall blow the
Hurricane in
The nights crisp air
is a  reminder
Change is in the air

Winters approach
lies between the months
Like a blanket of
ice hides under the snow
the search for
something substantial continues
inside my house is warm and the winter
ravishes the world outside
storm after storm

Spring comes to slowly
the awakening   of the earth
The sound of the birds perched
careless to the instability of
our lives
mud rivers flow courageously
Raging civilizations
as the coldness of our endurance
is warmed by the sun once more

The summer brings an abundance
Once again the earths vitality is
alive.  We are awake with energy
moving forward through this recession
forgetting  the economy

Songs of the gypsy guitar/35/soul love saga/quantum spirituality

Songs of the Gypsy earth Magik

Dancing through the air.

I can only imagine the knowing hands that dance on the rifts.

baile, baile, Baile.

The strings played created memories

in the moments that make you feel 

in a timeless existence.

Mystical lyrics 
fill the night air.

Capturing the stories in the tune 
like Ocean waves carried by the moon.

Clipper ships mark the territory in the ripples they leave behind,

gathering momentum in the turn of the tide.
Finger tips tapping on the strings echoing 
in the chaos of the mind.

Clicking of the heals 
echoing like drums ’round a fire.

Like the heart beat of the divine 
a momentary lapse of reasoning.
an illusionary bonding,

customary apocalyptic revaluations

crossing dimensions through time,

escaping justice through the lyrical rhyme.
Feeling the vibration 
in every cell of my body.

Creating change

present and future 
 with each passing measure of the hand.

Notes echoing in my ear
 all the words I need to hear
 whispering  wishes.
The Gypsy Earth Magik dancing
to the  crying of the guitar
 melodies carrying the rhythm 
through the air.

Vibrations through the moments 
breaking through memories like images to film
 crisp and clean.

Basking in the sun
 sweet saturated minuets 
blazing through the horizons of my mind.

Capable of turning moods like the tide.

Each note moves through the nerves and muscles
balie, balie, balie

With each breath
 my ears are filled with sound.

Each string makes 
fingers dance on the rifts.
Dancing through the air
 making right of all possibilities

to be here

Immaculate revelations bout’ situations
that seems so natural.
Boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed.
Reasons that don’t
exist ….exist.
Doesn’t take away this heaviness in my chest.
When polished notions Crossed sacred vows
In search of confluence Of reasons.

interpretations/35/soul love saga

Convoluted situations
across the nations
another risk
in reasons
drastic revelations
in dreams
Energetic prophecy
Hypothetical evaluations
onto cross contamination’s
Makes sense to me
To rain on litigation’s
Mild interpretations of this place,
And space we occupy

winter2012 186

realities shade/19/soul love saga

nyc 019

Realities shade
No man plays
Nature’s way
A sarcastic game of reality
Is only what we perceive
What we see and hear
It’s ours for the millennium

Where are we going to be when the judges don’t see?
Hazy shades beyond curiosity
Might cost me…
Might kill us
Different perceptions of the way things are supposed to be.
So many sides to the same story
How can we deny the morals within our own sanction of trust?
Crossing domestic dimensions
Cures the fighter In me inside.
A baby cries inside
No need to tell me why I have a story too.
Bronx 95

water/36/soul love saga

winter 2013 634

One oxygen, two hydrogen

Goddesses represent the element of water
like the gods represent fire.
As water is the source of life like the females anatomy
Anahita is the Persian Goddess of immaculate water
fertility portrayed as a virgin
and the goddess of war.
She very closely resembles Ishtar.
Both of their animals are a dove and peacock.
Saturated in her ever flowing waters
swimming in her seas,
caring for her animal’s
betters our chances of survival
in opposing forces of fertility and war.
The waters of Sayella are the Goddess of time and prophecy
. She has the infinite knowledge of creation
while her timeless waters flow even through the darkest caves of the oceans.
The waters of Baveras are those of the sea.
Wild and untamed she has many faces.
In a state of constant transition she inspires artists and healers.
The makers of creation
owning a peace of our puzzle.

Wiccans represent water with the chalice. Using water or wine in ritual cups. Colors between blue and green can be recognized throughout the world to indicate water. Its symbol is an upside down triangle. We anoint in ritual with water purifying our sins. Most religions cleanse with water as rain cleanses the earth in theory washing away all that decay.

The four astrology signs that divide the year up equally are: Pisces, cancer and Scorpio all share some of same common characteristics of the water element. These people are able to feel the vibrations of those around them, very sensitive and can easily be carried away, fill others with healing energy or be an emotional drain. Regeneration, restorative, nurturing and dreamy describes a water baby well.

In the fung shui (literally means wind and water) practice water is associated with the female yang energy. Water holds chi (life force) and is associated with prosperity. Putting a fountain or a fish tank at the north or south ends of your house, whichever one is away from your bedrooms will increase the flow of abundance into your house.

Winter transitions water to snow for every ten inches of snow equals one inch of rain.  The snow glazes the earth like sugar that sparkles invitingly for us to come and play… Humans run around clearing and cleaning snow moving it  from one place to another.   The weather is  an amazing natural condition. I often find that it helps to stabilize my moods, in one direction or another.

The water cycles through the seasons an infinite supply taken for granted. Rain will wash the earth clean creating pathways that flow over into the rivers. Flowing the streaming waters, rivers, lakes and oceans it doesn’t stop there. A completion to the water cypher radiating evaporation into the heavens again. Carbon cycles from living to dead helping the living grow again completely reliant on the water. Our life repeats itself again.

Giai is so intricate in her complexity letting us bath in her veins. She lets us dance in her tears and swim in her womb. Rapture of the deep consumes some and releases others. I have been caught in her riptides wanting forever to be comfortable in her flowing waters. Feeling one surrounded by her filling my every crevasse.

We need water to survive drinking as much as we can manage to cleanse and saturate our cells. Depending on where we live the majority of the earth has to drink water contaminated with farming and industrialization. Still she flows trying to detoxify us. She lets us live gathering momentum for the future generations as our bodies become genetically modified organisms according to our environment. Still we drink and try to digest all of the waste water that has been treated.

As we meditate on the future ahead, work towards a positive view of the future one where organic soils have once again become rich and the water runs clean. With the last oil spill that has taken its toll on the gulf it sometimes seems hard to feel optimistic. The energy we need to see us through these next few years needs us to focus on the positive aspects of the future. Where we can detox ourselves from our codependency on carbon by making it available for everyone.  Putting our minds into solving problems and creating self-sustainable communities that are organizing green practices like: Solar and wind power, recycling, nontoxic solutions, and more holistic approach to education.  By 2012 marks the end of the Mayan calendar and the beginning of a new existence

How do we get back to simplifying? How do we find that pureness that we need? To nourish our bodies with vitality: Collecting rain water from the roof to water our gardens, saving bath water to flush our toilets, not using chemicals in or around our homes, clean up around the water tables and rivers to keep stuff from leaching into the rivers, reduce the amount of manufactured items that you buy into your life, don’t let the water run while you’re doing dishes or brushing your teeth, reduce the amount of carbon that you produce.

The water element is governed by the heart and the throat chakra.  Dominating your emotional needs, unlocking your past, and healthy emotional balance.  I fill up my glass carafe and place a few crystals in it depending on the property I need; I love quartz crystal for its overall wellbeing properties, adding a dash of amethyst for good dreams and love. I also place a little beautiful blue appetite in my water for its digestive properties with a little blue aventurine for friendships, love, reason and communication. In the summer I put some flowers in the water for flower essences. Each flower holds properties to help you in your life: cherry blossoms and jasmine for love.  You can find numerous books on flower and mineral essence before you do some rocks and flowers do have toxic properties while others are very healing. The very act of letting the water sit lets some chemicals evaporate making the water taste better.    

Domestic toxicity/17/soul love saga


Domestic toxicity


———–In revengeful capacity—————————————–
———–In moments to spare———————————————–
————–Of righteous air———————————————————–
——–in timeless preoccupations————————————————
———a realization to not dwell———————————————-
——–of justice in monogamous—————————————
——–Revolution in sophistication————————————

———a pious mount in liberation——————————-
———-in cases of madness———————————————
—–a nation of broad casted fear—————————————–
-civil liberties don’t prepare you for—————————————Everyday responsibilities
———–And monogamy
—————–In the midst of
————————-A desensitized sexual


*Overcoming obstacles…societies shadows

*Overcoming obstacles…

Societies Shadows
Silver iridescent shadows cast
Upon sacred sights
Visions wonder
Across the midnight skies
Echoing sounds of nights
Lively terror
Anxiety creeps into
Darkened mentalities
Emptiness is souls
Angered spirits
Crossing each horizon
As loneliness dwells
Through my mind
My hands touch cold hearts
Stillness touches
My body
Happiness stands
As an illusion
Held onto yesterday
Until tomorrow





anti-toxin for president

It’s a matter of race

a day when no kids

shall cry or get left behind

a race not close

a fight not won by strength

or ambition

but campaign contributions

that make us cringe

from company’s

whose ethics and values

prevail above communities

designed to destroy what little environment

we have left on this sphere

a case of green as

opposed by republicans

whats left  is used by corperations

poison that courses through our veins

chem trails through our lungs

toxic waste waters through our system

all for profit

as we continue our existence

dis-ease all around us

anti-toxin for president